In its commitment to promote the best wool textiles and yarns from across the world, The Woolmark Company has released its latest Wool Sourcing Guide – India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka Edition.

Acknowledging the invaluable contribution of manufacturers across the three countries, the Sourcing Guide highlights 42 of the best wool spinners, weavers, knitters and specialist suppliers from India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

This unique resource will allow brands and designers from across the world to connect with leading suppliers, and in turn create new opportunities for highly specialised manufacturers in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

India, the world’s second largest importer of Australian wool, is well-known for its premium textile manufacturing, which harnesses ancient techniques as much as modern technology. The Woolmark Company provides ongoing support to the country’s local industry in a number of ways, and now more than ever recognises the unique challenges faced by the manufacturing community in the Indian subcontinent.

“From small-scale boutique weavers and knitters to large production facilities, this guide is for anyone interested in sourcing premium wool textiles and yarns in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh,” says The Woolmark Company’s General Manager, Processing Innovation & Education Extension, Julie Davies. “The Woolmark Company’s staff has direct and ongoing contact with every one of these facilities and attests their quality of wool manufacturing. We are also here to provide additional information upon request as well as personal introductions to these expert supply chain partners.

“By opening up this diverse supply chain, we hope that more designers – and indeed consumers – will be able to enjoy the pleasures of Australian Merino wool yarns and cloths from these countries.”

Click here to download the open access India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka Sourcing Guide.

About The Woolmark Company

The Woolmark Company is the global authority on Merino wool and owns the Woolmark logo, a quality assurance symbol applied to more than 5 billion products. The Woolmark brand represents a commitment between woolgrowers, brands and consumers on the authenticity and quality of the fibre.