Digitisation is front and centre in Sagar Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd.’s relentless mission of continuous improvement. Based in India, the company has made a name for itself in just over a decade of operations and now exports to more than 20 countries and partners with more than 200 brands. Since using ESSENTIAL monitor, a module of the Rieter Digital Spinning Suite, Sagar Manufacturers recorded a noticeable increase in mill productivity of 1.5 per cent.

Sagar Manufacturers implemented Rieter’s ESSENTIALmonitor in 2021, combining it with the individual spindle monitoring ISM premium on its ring and compact spinning machines. ESSENTIALmonitor provides real-time monitoring of machine parameters so that the company can always keep an eye on the performance of its machines. The system keeps track of interruptions on the ring spinning machines as well as machines and spinning positions that require adjustments.

ESSENTIAL displays the data in a cockpit where each user can see information that is customised to their role. Data tiles can be selected and re-arranged to meet individual requirements. The mobile app enables decision makers to get a 24/7 overview of the performance of their spinning mills. The mill managers have access to all data in a user-friendly cockpit on their desktop and can drill down to every detail, identifying areas that require improvement. The overview on the dashboard in the spinning mill helps operators and shift supervisors to identify the root cause of production disruptions.

ESSENTIALmonitor unleashes productivity

The implementation of ESSENTIALmonitor with ISM premium brought numerous benefits to Sagar Manufacturers:

an increase in productivity of 1.5 per cent,

a reduction in manpower requirements of 10 per cent,

a decrease in hard and soft waste of 10 per cent and 2.5 per cent, respectively, and

an expected improvement of plant utilisation amounting to 0.1 per cent.

The features “Improvement suggestions” and “Threshold trigger” in particular have helped the company to avoid stoppages and maintain quality. “Improvement suggestions” enables intelligent mill maintenance. It analyses sensor data from critical machine components and identifies deviations. With “Threshold trigger”, the user sets threshold values and is informed by e-mail or SMS when these are missed or exceeded.

AK Saini, Chief General Manager (Operations) of Sagar Manufacturers states: “We appreciate the support from the Rieter team very much and feel that our needs are understood. The full utilisation of ESSENTIALmonitor has allowed us to optimise the performance over the entire process. We are excited to see what the future of the system holds” (Fig. 1).