Kasturi cotton heralds a new era in the realm of cotton quality, setting a precedent that goes beyond conventional expectations. This premium brand, emerging from India, the largest cotton-producing nation in the world, symbolises a revolution in the cotton industry. With its introduction, the standards of cotton quality have been redefined, offering an unparalleled blend of softness, strength, and durability. This brand is a testament to the commitment to quality and innovation, embodying the aspirations of an entire nation’s cotton industry. Kasturi cotton stands not just as a product, but as a symbol of India’s rich agricultural heritage, technological advancement, and forward-thinking approach in the global textile market.

Elevating Indian Cotton on the Global Stage

Born out of the desire to distinguish Indian cotton on the global stage, Kasturi cotton was conceptualised to revolutionise how the world perceives Indian cotton. This initiative, spearheaded by the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, aimed at redefining Indian cotton’s global perception. Launched with the vision of transforming Indian cotton from a mere commodity to a premium brand, it celebrates the distinct qualities of Indian cotton: whiteness, softness, purity, lustre, and Indianness. Coinciding with World Cotton Day on 7th October, the Ministry announced the “Kasturi cotton Bharat” brand, further solidifying its identity with a dedicated logo and brand. Following this, on 21st October 2023, the Kasturi cotton Bharat website was launched, marking a significant digital milestone. This endeavour not only promises higher returns for all stakeholders—from farmers to fabric manufacturers—but also positions Indian cotton as a leader in quality and sustainability in the global market.

Empowering Indian Cotton Farmers

At the heart of this initiative lies a deep commitment to empowering the Indian cotton farming community. Recognising the farmers as the backbone of the cotton industry, the programme was designed to bring them to the forefront of this transformation. By introducing Kasturi cotton, the government and associated bodies aimed to provide farmers with not just a platform but a brand that they could take pride in. By providing them with access to better technologies, training, and resources, it aims to enhance the overall quality of the cotton produced. The programme also includes mechanisms for fair pricing and direct market access, ensuring that the farmers receive a just reward for their produce.

Moreover, the traceability aspect of Kasturi cotton, enabled by blockchain technology, allows farmers to be a part of a transparent and verifiable supply chain. This not only adds credibility to their hard work but also opens up new avenues for them in the global market. The Kasturi cotton label, therefore, is not just a mark of quality but also a badge of honour for the Indian cotton farmer, symbolising their integral role in elevating Indian cotton to a world-class standard.

Leading the Kasturi Cotton Initiative: TEXPROCIL and CCI

The implementation and branding of Kasturi cotton are expertly helmed by two key organisations: The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (TEXPROCIL) and the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI). These entities will play a pivotal role in translating the Kasturi cotton vision into reality, ensuring that every phase of the initiative aligns with the overarching goals of quality, sustainability, and farmer empowerment.

TEXPROCIL, with its longstanding expertise in promoting the export of Indian cotton textiles, serves as the driving force behind the Kasturi cotton branding and marketing strategy. The organisation is responsible for the intricate process of branding, tracing, and certifying Kasturi cotton, ensuring that it adheres to stringent quality standards. Its role extends to overseeing the entire supply chain, from the ginning process to the final product, guaranteeing that each step conforms to the set parameters.

CCI, on the other hand, brings its vast experience in cotton trade and farmer welfare to the table. This organisation ensures that the benefits of the Kasturi cotton initiative trickle down to the grassroots level, the cotton farmers and also that the practices employed are not only economically viable for the farmers but also sustainable, thus aligning with the global shift towards environmentally conscious agriculture.

Together, TEXPROCIL and CCI form a formidable alliance, leading the charge in transforming Indian cotton into a globally recognised and respected brand.

The Role of FCB Interface Communication

FCB Interface Communication, appointed as the creative agency for Kasturi cotton, will also play a critical role in shaping the brand’s image and messaging. It has been tasked with narrating the story of Kasturi cotton, a story that encapsulates tradition, quality, and innovation.

The agency’s approach is multi-faceted, targeting various platforms to reach a diverse audience. Its strategies include creating compelling digital content such as videos, banners, blogs, and webinars that highlight the unique qualities of Kasturi cotton complemented by traditional marketing channels like magazines, newspapers, and regional TV, ensuring a broad reach.

Moreover, FCB Interface Communication’s role is to create a narrative that resonates with consumers, stakeholders, and industry leaders alike, showcasing Kasturi cotton not just as a product but as a symbol of India’s commitment to quality and sustainability.

Structuring for Excellence

The Kasturi cotton programme is meticulously structured to uphold and enhance the quality of Indian cotton. This comprehensive structure covers various aspects of the cotton production and distribution process, ensuring that every stage adheres to the programme’s high standards.

The programme is managed by a coordinated effort between various agencies, each responsible for different aspects of the production and certification process. This includes audit and inspection teams which ensure adherence to the standards, sampling and testing agencies who rigorously test the cotton quality, and certification bodies who validate the quality and origin of the cotton.

A significant feature of the programme is its emphasis on sustainable and ethical practices. This includes ensuring that the cotton is packed and marked as per established Indian standards (IS 12171:2019), ensuring consistency and reliability in the product quality. Each bale of cotton is marked with a unique QR code, which provides detailed information about the cotton, including its type, origin, and quality attributes. This QR code system is a key component of the traceability mechanism, enabling buyers and consumers to verify the authenticity and quality of the cotton easily. The programme’s structure is designed not only to maintain the high quality of the cotton but also to enhance the overall value chain of Indian cotton.

Guaranteeing Superior Quality through Traceability

The cornerstone of the Kasturi cotton initiative is its unwavering commitment to superior quality, which is ensured through rigorous traceability and certification processes. By implementing a robust system of traceability, every batch of Kasturi cotton can be tracked back to its source, providing a transparent view of its journey from farm to fabric. This traceability is bolstered by the use of advanced blockchain technology, which enables a secure and unalterable digital ledger, where every transaction and transfer from the farmer to the final product is recorded. This system provides a comprehensive and tamper-proof record of the journey of Kasturi cotton, ensuring traceability at every stage.

Furthermore, blockchain technology facilitates compliance with international standards and certifications, as it provides a reliable and efficient way to verify the authenticity and quality of the cotton.

Sustainable Practices at the Core

The programme emphasises sustainable farming techniques, which include efficient water management, reduced use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, and the promotion of organic cotton cultivation. These practices not only ensure the health and safety of the cotton crop but also contribute to the well-being of the environment and farming communities.

In addition to sustainable farming, the programme focuses on ethical and responsible production practices throughout the supply chain. This includes fair labour practices, safe working conditions, and adherence to local and international labour laws. By prioritising these aspects, the programme ensures that the production of Kasturi cotton is not only environmentally sustainable but also socially responsible.

The packaging and labelling of Kasturi cotton also adhere to sustainable practices. The bales are packed in environmentally friendly materials, and the labelling includes detailed information about the cotton’s origin and quality, further reinforcing the commitment to transparency and sustainability.

The Process of Registration

The registration process for Kasturi cotton producers is designed to ensure that only cotton that meets the stringent quality and sustainability standards of the programme is certified.

To begin the registration process, cotton ginning units and other supply chain participants (such as cotton traders, spinners, processors, and garment manufacturers) must apply for registration under the Kasturi cotton programme. This involves paying an annual registration fee and submitting a detailed application form which includes information about the unit’s operational practices, compliance with relevant standards, and commitment to the Kasturi cotton programme’s objectives.

Once the application is submitted, TEXPROCIL conducts a thorough review of the application, contract, and payment. This review process includes an audit and inspection of the ginning site or supply chain unit. The audit ensures that the unit complies with the programme’s standards, including fibre quality, packing, and marking of bales, and traceability mechanisms. Units already registered for other certification programmes (such as GOTS, BCI, GCC, or CCI) may be exempt from physical audits, streamlining the registration process.

Upon successful verification, the unit is granted membership status, and a Unique Registration Number (URN) is generated. This URN is essential for tracking and traceability throughout the supply chain.

Cotton samples are then drawn from each lot and tested at National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) Accredited Labs to confirm fibre quality standards. The testing includes evaluating various quality parameters such as strength, length, and colour. The results of these tests determine whether the cotton meets the programme’s quality criteria.

Once the cotton passes the quality and origin verification, it is granted the Kasturi cotton brand label (Transaction Certificate). This certificate is valid only for the tested and approved lot, and the Kasturi cotton brand logo can be used only on products covered under that specific lot.

Paving the Way for Long-term Growth in the Textile Industry

The future of Kasturi cotton involves expanding its market reach, building stronger relationships with international buyers, and continuously innovating to meet the evolving demands of the global textile industry. The brand is expected to stimulate growth across the entire cotton value chain, from farmers to fashion brands, by providing a product that is in high demand due to its superior quality and ethical production.

Furthermore, the Kasturi cotton programme is likely to encourage the adoption of sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in cotton farming and processing. The fibre’s journey from the fields of India to the global market is a testament to the country’s prowess in agriculture and textile manufacturing.