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Rajveer Singh

Rajveer Singh

He is a local economic development expert. Working with MSMEs  for the last 30 years. He specializes in bottom up approach and successfully applied the concepts in National, Regional and Global value chains. He is an expert in action research, in industrial and rural clusters . Before starting his own company Apex Cluster Development Services in 2004, he served in UNIDO for 8 years in the field of cluster development, where he co-authored cluster development methodology, which is internationally adopted by UNIDO in its cluster development initiatives.  He has been team leader and conceptualized    some of the biggest cluster development programmes with UNIDO, World Bank, ADB, Kfw, GTZ, SIDBI, Microsoft (Project Vikas), and a number of Central and State government organizations like  NMCC, Ministry of MSME, Ministry of Textile, KVIC (SFURTI) Central Silk Board, Ministry of Food Processing etc. Worked in different verticals like Auto, Textiles, leather , Handloom, Handicraft, Tourism, IT, General Engineering, food processing etc. He has authored a number of books including co-authored a book on "Exploring Potential of E-Commerce for RETAIL Exports of Indian MSMEs in Manufacturing Sector" with FICCI and IIFT -SME Centre released by DC MSME on 30 May 2017.

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