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Arun Roongta

Arun Roongta

Arun Roongta is Managing Director at HGH India. A post-graduate in marketing, he carries over 35 years of specialised experience in textile & clothing industry in streams like publishing, international marketing, trade promotion, industry & market research, product and market trend forecasting.  
He has also pioneered many service sector projects in India with a global perspective. These include trade shows like HGH India, Context India and conferences like Home Fashion India Week, fashion forecasting and trend presentation for the benefit of Indian apparel textile and home products industries. 
He is the Editor and Publisher of Clothesline and Home Fashion magazines since their inception 25 years and 13 years back respectively. He carries in-depth understanding of the entire textile supply chain both nationally and internationally from a marketers’ and analyst’s viewpoint. He has widely travelled internationally and is fully familiar with the dynamics of the entire the textile and clothing value chain globally.

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