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Debasis Daspal

Debasis Daspal

Mr. Debasis Daspal is having more than 20 years of experience in managing Supply Chains of various multinationals. During his long tenure of professional career, he has exposed in intercontinental logistics management, entire apparel value chain, Business Re-engineering Project, sourcing and vendor development, developing SAP enabled system & various quality management systems like ISO-9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001 etc.

Having worked in different locations namely India, Hong Kong, Kenya, Mauritius, and Bangladesh, he has contributed in diversified fields like manufacturing, planning, customer services, marketing, logistics, finances and compliances. Textile, Apparel, Plastics, Packaging and Consumer Trading are some of the industries where he has spent his career.

He has been graduated from IIT-Delhi and also has one-year master degree in Supply Chain from MIT-Zaragoza Logistics Center, an outreach program offered by MIT. He has been associated with several international organizations like Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, Supply Chain Asia etc. He has several publications under his credit and regularly contributes in various online and trade journals.

As CEO- Global Supply Chain, he is currently managing global business of one of group business of KDS Group.