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Interview with Ritesh Dodhia

Ritesh Dodhia
Ritesh Dodhia
Managing Director
Dodhia Synthetics Limited
Dodhia Synthetics Limited

Unwavering commitment to delivering the highest calibre of yarns
Dodhia Group has grown rapidly in the past four decades to become one of the leading manufacturers of yarns and chemicals in India. The company has successfully carved out a niche in the specialty yarns segment with an unparalleled and extensive range of integrated textile products. Speaking to Fibre2Fashion, Managing Director Ritesh Dodhia talks about recycled polyester yarn and future plans.

How does the fluctuation in raw material prices impact decision-making in production and inventory management?

Fluctuations in raw material prices can exert a substantial influence on production and inventory management. Several factors can precipitate these fluctuations, including shifts in supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical occurrences, currency fluctuations, and natural disasters. Many of these events are inherently unpredictable. Therefore, it becomes imperative to formulate and implement a comprehensive strategy that encompasses cost management, inventory management, risk mitigation, supply chain optimisation, and adaptability. This multifaceted approach is essential for successfully navigating the challenges posed by such volatility and ensuring the continued competitiveness of the organisation within the market.

How has the evolution of sustainable practices impacted the textile manufacturing industry?

Textile manufacturing has a historical reputation for grappling with environmental and social challenges, encompassing issues such as resource depletion, pollution, and labour exploitation. Nevertheless, the industry is currently experiencing a noteworthy transformation, primarily steered by the adoption of sustainable practices. Numerous companies are actively engaging in research and innovation, thereby embracing cleaner and more efficient production methods. These approaches aim to curtail water and energy consumption, diminish their carbon footprint, prioritise recycling and waste minimisation, and promote the utilisation of eco-friendly materials.
In addition, stringent regulatory compliances, industry standards, and certification programmes play a pivotal role in encouraging better labour practices within the sector. These measures collectively contribute to the industry’s broader commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.

Could you provide insights into the recent technological advancements that have significantly improved efficiency and product quality in textile manufacturing?

Recent technological advancements, such as automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI), are already in use within the industry. Many companies are actively engaged in the development of biodegradable textiles, nanotechnology applications, and smart textiles. Furthermore, the adoption of sustainable dyeing and printing techniques has gained considerable momentum. These innovations collectively signify the textile industry’s commitment to embracing cutting-edge technologies while concurrently aligning with sustainability goals.

What strategies are essential for entering and establishing a foothold in international markets in the textile industry?

Establishing a presence in international markets is a process that typically requires a considerable amount of time and persistence. It is essential to maintain a long-term perspective and commitment to sustained efforts to solidify your position in these markets. Effective market research is paramount, providing valuable insights into local dynamics. Building and nurturing networks and contacts are equally critical, as they facilitate the understanding of the market and the development of meaningful relationships. In addition to these fundamental strategies, thorough risk mitigation measures must be in place. Furthermore, it is imperative to possess comprehensive knowledge about customer trade regulations and environmental requirements specific to each target country. Adaptations in accordance with the local landscape, culture, and the preferences of local customers are also essential pre-requisites before venturing into international markets. These multifaceted strategies collectively form the foundation for a successful international market entry.

What sets the Dodhia Group apart in the highly competitive yarns manufacturing sector?

At Dodhia, our unwavering commitment lies in ensuring quality assurance across our diversified product portfolio, which positions us at the forefront of our sector. Our dedication to continuous improvement is a cornerstone of our operational ethos. We prioritise innovation and adapt our strategies according to the evolving needs and requirements of our clients. Moreover, we place significant emphasis on the regular assessment of our marketing strategies, staying abreast of industry developments, and remaining poised to adjust our approach as necessary. This approach ensures our continued competitiveness in an ever-expanding market landscape, reaffirming our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.

Dodhia exports to over 25 countries. What are some of the challenges you face in international markets?

The expansion of our exports to over 25 countries is undeniably a remarkable achievement. However, it is important to acknowledge that this feat has also brought about its fair share of challenges and complexities. Foremost among these challenges are political, economic, and currency instability in the current market landscape. Over the past few years, we have encountered delays and disruptions in our supply chain, primarily attributable to the instability of logistic tariffs. These obstacles necessitate a vigilant and adaptive approach as we navigate the complexities of international trade and strive to maintain our export operations successfully across a diverse range of nations.

Can you tell us about Petopoly, the recycled polyester yarn, and how it fits into the company’s sustainable development goals?

Under Petopoly, our core focus is the supply of recycled filament polyester yarn. This yarn is crafted from post-consumer or post-industrial polyester waste, encompassing discarded PET bottles and plastic scraps. The production process involves the collection and processing of these waste materials through recycling and spinning, ultimately yielding a sustainable and eco-friendly yarn alternative.
By utilising recycled materials, we actively contribute to the reduction in demand for virgin polyester, thereby conserving precious natural resources and diminishing the environmental repercussions associated with resource extraction. The incorporation of recycled materials into our production process is a pivotal step towards fostering a circular economy, in which products and materials are systematically reused, remanufactured, or recycled, reducing the imperative for new resource extraction.
Importantly, our Petopoly recycled polyester yarn is associated with lower energy consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions in comparison to the production of virgin polyester. This alignment with sustainability objectives underscores our commitment to enhancing energy efficiency and mitigating emissions. As we embrace these sustainable practices and offer eco-friendly products, we not only contribute to a more sustainable future but also enhance our competitiveness in the market, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers who prioritise ethical and eco-conscious choices.

How important is R&D to Dodhia Group, and what are some of the key innovations you are most proud of?

Research and development (R&D) efforts hold an indispensable role in fostering innovation, elevating product quality, optimising manufacturing processes, and confronting the dynamic challenges within the industry. Companies that prioritise R&D investments are well-positioned to remain at the forefront of these developments and ensure their competitiveness within a rapidly evolving market landscape.
The emergence of recycled filament polyester and other environmentally sustainable yarns, derived from post-consumer and post-industrial waste, has gained substantial momentum as a commendable eco-friendly alternative. It is worth noting that specific key innovations in the yarn industry may exhibit variance among different companies. However, Dodhia stands out for its pioneering initiatives in the development of novel yarn types, blends, and cutting-edge technologies. These innovations not only open new market opportunities but also elevate the performance and functionality of yarn products. Such dedication to R&D allows us to lead in shaping the future of the industry and offering enhanced solutions to our customers.

Can you share some insights into the capacity and technology used in your specialised POY/FDY manufacturing unit?

Our state-of-the-art recycled POY/FDY manufacturing facility boasts an impressive daily capacity of 100 metric tons. Employing cutting-edge technology, we have perfected the art of recycling by sourcing post-consumer PET bottles, subjecting them to meticulous washing and advanced sorting procedures, followed by shredding and further washing to attain pristine quality flakes, ready for extrusion into high-grade yarns. The extrusion and spinning of these flakes into yarns are executed within our advanced spinning lines.
What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to delivering the highest calibre of yarns to our discerning clientele. Our dedication to quality begins with subjecting all yarns to rigorous scrutiny in our fully equipped laboratory. By maintaining complete control over the entire production process in-house, we position ourselves uniquely in the market, affording us a competitive edge that distinguishes us from our rivals.

What are the challenges and opportunities you see for the company in the current market landscape?

As Dodhia, we have demonstrated a strong commitment to adapting to evolving client preferences, fostering sustainability, and harnessing technology to enhance our operational efficiency. Our proactive approach is underpinned by the recognition that opportunities arise from exploring new product lines and expanding into adjacent markets.
Of particular note is the substantial opportunity presented by the burgeoning demand for sustainable and eco-friendly textiles. This trend aligns well with our sustainability initiatives and positions us favourably in the marketplace.
However, it is imperative to remain cognizant of major challenges, as previously discussed, such as the volatility in raw material prices and the instability in economic and currency conditions. Addressing these challenges requires strategic resilience and adaptability to maintain our competitive edge and capitalise on the opportunities inherent in the market’s evolving landscape.

Can you discuss the future plans and initiatives that Dodhia Group has in terms of expansion or diversification?

The Dodhia Group’s strategic vision entails a commitment to enhancing sustainability through substantial investments in renewable energy sources and innovative recycling products. As a pivotal step in this endeavour, the company is poised to embark on a new diversification initiative in the upcoming year. This expansion will centre around the production of FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) approved food-grade rPET granules, designed for application across multiple industries, including textiles, bottle-to-bottle recycling, and sheet manufacturing. This strategic move will not only reinforce Dodhia’s dedication to sustainability but also serve to augment its portfolio of recycled products.
Published on: 06/11/2023

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.

This interview was first published in the Nov 2023 edition of the print magazine

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