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Interview with Chandresh Shyani

Chandresh Shyani
Chandresh Shyani
Goldzari Craft Pvt. Ltd.
Goldzari Craft Pvt. Ltd.

Innovation processes are integral to diversifying our product range
Goldzari Craft Pvt Ltd specialises in the manufacture of high-quality kasab zari threads, polyester zari threads, nylon zari threads, and various imitation zari yarns, catering to diverse customer needs with a vast range of colours and specifications. With a focus on innovation and quality, Goldzari Craft ensures superior product performance in weaving and knitting operations. In an interview with Fibre2Fashion, Director Chandresh Shyani talks about the zari industry.

How has the transition from traditional gold and silver zari to synthetic zari impacted the overall zari industry in terms of production costs and sustainability?

The transition from traditional gold and silver zari to synthetic zari has had several impacts on the overall zari industry, both in terms of production costs and sustainability. Synthetic zari generally tends to be cheaper to produce compared to traditional gold and silver zari. This is because synthetic materials are often more readily available and less expensive than precious metals. Further, the machinery and technology required for producing synthetic zari may also be more affordable and accessible compared to the specialised equipment needed for working with precious metals. 
Secondly, synthetic zari can be considered more sustainable than traditional gold and silver zari in certain aspects. For example, the production of synthetic zari may have a lower environmental impact compared to mining precious metals. Mining operations can lead to habitat destruction, water pollution, and other environmental concerns. The use of synthetic zari reduces the demand for precious metals, which can help conserve these finite resources. In addition, traditional gold and silver mining often involve social issues such as labour exploitation and community displacement. Synthetic zari production may have fewer social impacts in this regard.

What role does the zari industry play in the global fashion and textile markets, and how is it adapting to the evolving trends and consumer preferences?

The zari industry holds a significant place in the global fashion and textile markets, known for its contribution to a wide array of garments, accessories, and home textiles. Zari, characterised by its intricate metallic threads, adds luxurious embellishments and ornate detailing to fabrics, positioning it as a sought-after element in both traditional and contemporary fashion contexts.
The industry is celebrated for its rich heritage and artisanal craftsmanship, attributes that increasingly resonate with consumers who seek unique and culturally significant pieces. Collaborations and partnerships with fashion designers, brands, and retailers worldwide are crucial for introducing zari to new markets and audiences. These collaborations infuse fresh perspectives and creative interpretations into traditional craftsmanship, creating exclusive collections that blend heritage with modernity.
The industry also keeps a close eye on fashion trends and consumer preferences, adapting its offerings to include popular colours, patterns, and motifs, as well as exploring innovative applications of zari in contemporary fashion silhouettes and styles. This proactive approach ensures zari products remain desirable and trend-forward.
Customisation and personalisation are becoming increasingly important in the fashion industry, and the zari sector is leveraging its unique craftsmanship to meet these demands. This includes offering bespoke products tailored to individual preferences, such as custom-designed zari motifs, patterns, and embroideries that cater to discerning consumers looking for something truly unique.

Can you tell us about the inception of Goldzari Craft Pvt. Ltd. and the vision behind it?

Goldzari Craft Pvt. Ltd. was established in August 2021 by me and Nikunj Davara, following the success of our previous ventures, Texlon and Zaricraft Industry Pvt. Ltd., founded in 2017 and 2019, respectively. Our vision is to become the global leader in textile innovation, delivering high-quality, sustainable solutions that not only meet but exceed market expectations. We aim to enrich lives and empower communities by integrating social responsibility into our business model, thereby inspiring creativity and setting trends within the global textile industry.

How do you ensure the quality and consistency of your kasab zari, polyester zari, and nylon zari threads?

At Goldzari Craft Pvt. Ltd., ensuring the quality and consistency of our kasab zari, polyester zari, and nylon zari threads is paramount. To maintain high standards throughout the production process, we have implemented several key measures. We carefully select our suppliers based on their ability to deliver high-quality materials and establish long-term relationships with those who share our commitment to excellence. Our production facilities have dedicated quality control teams that rigorously inspect incoming raw materials to ensure they meet our stringent standards before use. 
During manufacturing, we enforce strict quality control protocols to monitor the production of zari threads, conducting regular inspections and testing to detect any deviations from quality norms. We strictly adhere to industry standards and specifications, which ensures that our products not only meet but often exceed regulatory requirements, including those related to tensile strength, colour consistency, and durability.
Furthermore, we invest in the continuous training and education of our production staff to enhance their understanding of quality control practices. This ensures that all team members are aligned with our quality goals and understand their role in maintaining product consistency. We also value the feedback from our customers and stakeholders, using it to continually refine our processes and improve the quality of our products. By implementing these comprehensive measures, we strive to deliver zari threads that consistently meet the highest standards, ensuring customer satisfaction and confidence in our products.

What inspired the diverse colour range of your products, and how do you cater to custom colour demands from clients?

At Goldzari Craft Pvt. Ltd., our diverse colour range is inspired by nature, cultural influences, and the latest trends in fashion and design. We recognise that colour is crucial for evoking emotions, expressing individuality, and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our products. Our aim is to offer a broad spectrum of colours that caters to the varied tastes and preferences of our customers, enabling them to find the ideal shade for their specific needs.
To address custom colour demands from clients, we have adopted a flexible and responsive approach. This process begins with a detailed consultation to understand each client’s vision, preferences, and specific colour requirements. This initial discussion is vital for gathering essential information and aligning our efforts with the client’s expectations.
Our team of experts uses advanced colour matching technology and techniques to achieve an exact match for the desired custom colours. We consider factors such as hue, saturation, and tone, working closely with clients to pinpoint the precise shade they require. Once the colour is matched, we provide samples for client approval, allowing them to assess the colour in person and request adjustments if needed.

Could you elaborate on the innovation processes at Goldzari Craft that enhance work efficiency and product variety?

At Goldzari Craft Pvt. Ltd., our innovation processes are integral to enhancing work efficiency and diversifying our product range. We have made significant investments in research and development (R&D) to explore new materials, techniques, and technologies for zari production. This includes experimenting with different types of metallic threads, improving weaving or embroidery machinery, and developing innovative dyeing and finishing processes.
Collaboration is another cornerstone of our innovation strategy. By forming partnerships with suppliers, manufacturers, designers, and other industry stakeholders, we are able to foster a culture of innovation. These collaborations allow for an exchange of ideas, expertise sharing, and leveraging collective resources, which are crucial for developing new products, processes, and designs.
Incorporating automation and advanced technology into our production processes significantly enhances work efficiency and productivity. We invest in state-of-the-art machinery and software for weaving, dyeing, embroidery, and quality control, which reduces manual labour and improves consistency across our products.
Product diversification is also key to our strategy. We continuously expand our product range to cater to a broader customer base and adapt to changing market trends. This involves introducing new types of zari threads, expanding our colour options, developing innovative patterns and designs, and exploring applications beyond traditional textiles, such as accessories, and home décor.
Lastly, our commitment to continuous improvement and quality assurance plays a pivotal role in our innovation processes. We implement rigorous quality control measures throughout the production cycle, optimise processes to minimise defects and waste, and continuously seek opportunities for efficiency gains and product enhancements.

What do you do so that your customers do not face the challenges of yarn breakage during weaving and knitting operations?

We take proactive measures to ensure that our customers do not face the challenges of yarn breakage during weaving and knitting operations. Our approach encompasses several key strategies aimed at maintaining the highest standards of yarn quality and integrity.
Firstly, we implement stringent quality control measures to inspect the raw materials before they enter the production process. This includes checking for any defects, inconsistencies, or weaknesses in the yarn that could potentially lead to breakage during weaving or knitting.
We also place great emphasis on the proper storage and handling of zari threads to maintain their integrity. This involves protecting the threads from moisture, dust, and other environmental factors. Additionally, we ensure that the threads are stored in a clean and organised manner to minimise the risk of tangling or damage.

What strategies do you employ to stay competitive in the zari thread market?

Our strategies to stay competitive are multi-faceted and carefully designed to ensure we meet the evolving needs of our customers while maintaining our market leadership.
Quality assurance is paramount in our strategy. We maintain consistently high-quality products through rigorous quality control measures at every stage of the production process, ensuring that our threads meet or exceed both industry standards and customer expectations. This commitment to quality is crucial for staying competitive.
Customer service and support are key differentiators for us. We strive to build strong relationships with our customers through responsive customer support, timely order processing, and flexible shipping options, all tailored to meet their specific needs.
Finally, adaptability and flexibility are crucial in a dynamic market like the zari thread industry. We remain adaptable and flexible, ready to adjust our product offerings, or explore new distribution channels in response to changes in the market.

How does Goldzari Craft contribute to the traditional and modern textile industries with its products?

Goldzari Craft Pvt. Ltd. plays a multifaceted role in both the traditional and modern textile industries, effectively bridging the gap between preserving heritage and embracing innovation with its high-quality zari threads.
Our zari threads add richness, elegance, and intricacy to traditional textile designs. They are frequently used in embellishments, embroidery, and weaving for traditional garments such as sarees and dupattas, thereby enhancing the aesthetic appeal and value of these textiles.
Simultaneously, we innovate in design and production to cater to the needs of the modern textile industries. We develop new thread designs, colours, and finishes that meet the evolving preferences of modern designers and consumers.

How has customer feedback influenced the evolution of your product lines?

Customer feedback has played a crucial role in shaping the evolution of our product lines at Goldzari Craft Pvt. Ltd., guiding our decisions about product development, improvement, customisation, and market positioning.
We gather valuable insights into the needs, preferences, and expectations of our customers by soliciting feedback. This information helps us understand what customers value in terms of thread types, colours, finishes, and other product attributes, allowing us to tailor our offerings accordingly.
Feedback often highlights areas for improvement or opportunities for innovation, which we use to refine our existing products and address any quality issues.
Additionally, customer feedback has influenced us to expand our product range to meet diverse needs. If there is interest in specific colours, textures, or thread weights that we currently do not offer, we consider introducing new product lines or variations to cater to these preferences.
Customization and personalization are other areas where customer feedback has been invaluable. By offering options such as custom colours, lengths, or finishes, we provide a personalised experience that resonates with customers, setting us apart from competitors.

What are the future plans for Goldzari Craft in terms of product development and market expansion?

Goldzari Craft Pvt. Ltd. has ambitious plans for future product development and market expansion that are guided by evolving customer preferences, market trends, competitive dynamics, and our strategic objectives. Our strategy includes diversifying our product range by introducing new types of zari threads with unique textures, finishes, or compositions. We also plan to expand into related product categories such as metallic yarns, trims, or embellishments to cater to a broader range of customer needs. This expansion will allow us to serve new customer segments and enhance the versatility of our offerings.

How do you see the role of technology impacting the zari thread industry in the coming years?

The role of technology is poised to have a transformative impact on the zari thread industry in the coming years, affecting various aspects of production, innovation, and market dynamics.
Advancements in automation and robotics are set to streamline production processes, leading to enhanced efficiency, productivity, and cost-effectiveness. Automated machinery can handle tasks such as spinning, twisting, and winding threads with greater precision and consistency than manual labour, thereby reducing the risk of defects and elevating overall quality.
Digitalisation is another significant technological influence. Technologies like computer-aided design (CAD) software and digital weaving machines enable manufacturers to produce intricate zari thread designs more quickly and accurately. These digital tools allow for the creation of complex patterns and motifs with minimal manual intervention, opening up new avenues for creative expression and customisation.
Advances in materials science and nanotechnology are likely to lead to the development of new types of zari threads that possess enhanced properties such as increased strength, durability, and colourfastness. Incorporating nanomaterials and nanofiber technologies could improve the threads’ characteristics while maintaining their aesthetic appeal and functionality.
Finally, technology has revolutionised how zari threads are marketed and sold. E-commerce platforms and digital marketing channels enable manufacturers to reach a global audience effectively. Online marketplaces and social media platforms offer opportunities for direct-to-consumer sales, brand building, and customer engagement, helping manufacturers build stronger relationships with customers and adapt to changing market dynamics.
Overall, embracing technological advancements will be essential for zari thread manufacturers to stay competitive, meet evolving customer needs, and capitalise on the opportunities and challenges of the digital age.
Published on: 29/04/2024

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.