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Interview with Luca Formentini

Luca Formentini
Luca Formentini
Loris Bellini S.r.l.
Loris Bellini S.r.l.

Loris Bellini upholds a steadfast commitment to absolute quality in dyeing plants
Loris Bellini, headquartered in Italy, specialises in the design and manufacture of high-quality yarn dyeing and drying machinery. With over 70 years of expertise, the company integrates advanced technology to reduce operational costs and environmental impact, maintaining a legacy of innovation, quality, and tradition in the global textile industry. In an interview with Fibre2Fashion, Director Luca Formentini discusses sustainability and other significant trends in yarn dyeing.

Can you share how Loris Bellini’s foundational philosophy of absolute quality in dyeing plants has evolved with the integration of modern technologies?

Loris Bellini upholds a steadfast commitment to absolute quality in dyeing plants, blending timeless philosophy with modern technologies. Our dedication to customer satisfaction ensures exceptional performance and reliability. Through integrating advanced automation, digitalisation and precision control, we optimise processes, enhance efficiency and minimise environmental impact. Continuous R&D keeps us at the forefront of innovation, exploring new techniques to elevate our dyeing plants’ quality and performance. In summary, our unwavering pursuit of quality, combined with technological integration, ensures that Loris Bellini remains the industry benchmark for excellence.

Reflecting on Loris Bellini’s journey since 1949, how do you believe the company’s rich heritage influences its strategies and innovations today?

Since 1949, Loris Bellini’s journey has embodied innovation, craftsmanship and excellence. Our history influences us in crucial ways. Our tradition of excellence drives our commitment to high-quality dyeing plants, shaping our culture of precision in every aspect of our operations. We prioritise a customer-centric approach, fostering trust and reliability to meet evolving customer needs through continuous innovation. Embracing innovation and adaptability, we anticipate industry shifts, developing cutting-edge technologies to address changing demands. Craftsmanship and attention to detail remain central, ensuring precision engineering in every Loris Bellini dyeing plant. Our heritage guides our pursuit of excellence, customer satisfaction, innovation and craftsmanship, positioning us as leaders in the textile machinery industry.

Could you discuss a recent technological innovation by Loris Bellini that you are particularly proud of, and how it addresses current industry challenges?

Loris Bellini has long been dedicated to sustainable textile practices, but our substantial contribution began when we introduced our Pulsar technology to the market in 2014. Pulsar represents our revolutionary system for yarn and tops dyeing, which underwent approximately four years of intense R&D before being ready for large-scale production. Thanks to its globally patented circulation system – truly innovative in this field – Pulsar achieves an extraordinary reduction in utility consumption: 60 per cent less electric energy, 30 per cent less water, and nearly 20 per cent less steam. Currently, there are approximately 250 Pulsar machines installed worldwide. We take pride in believing that each one of these machines significantly reduces CO2 emissions compared to standard machines.

How does Loris Bellini stay ahead in the competitive field of yarn dyeing and drying technologies in terms of R&D and adopting new technologies?

Loris Bellini excels in the competitive yarn dyeing and drying sector by prioritising innovation, collaboration, customer-centricity and continuous improvement. Investment in R&D drives our quest for cutting-edge solutions, while collaborations with industry and the academic world keep us updated on emerging trends. We maintain close relationships with customers to tailor solutions to their needs and promptly adopt new technologies for their benefit. Our commitment to continuous improvement ensures that our products exceed industry standards. These strategies keep us ahead in the yarn dyeing and drying sector, delivering value to customers worldwide.

Sustainability is a critical theme in today’s manufacturing processes. Can you elaborate on how Loris Bellini’s machines contribute to reducing environmental impact and enhancing energy efficiency?

At Loris Bellini, sustainability is a core consideration in our machinery design. Our machines – especially Pulsar – optimise resource utilisation, including water, energy and chemicals, through advanced engineering and control systems. Overall, our machines contribute to reducing environmental impact and enhancing energy efficiency throughout the textile dyeing and drying process.

With the textile industry facing pressure to become more sustainable, how is Loris Bellini contributing to this shift through its products and operations?

At Loris Bellini, sustainability is integral to our product development and manufacturing. We optimise resources like water, energy and chemicals, employing advanced technical solutions. Our machines prioritise energy efficiency, reducing operating costs and carbon emissions. Our commitment drives environmental responsibility and efficiency in the textile industry.

What are the main goals and expectations from your participation in ITM 2024 exhibition in Istanbul?

We view the Turkish market as a significant opportunity for growth, with its established position as a major producer and exporter of textile goods globally. ITM 2024 will provide a valuable platform to connect with potential customers and showcase our latest products and innovations. We believe participation would allow us to generate new leads, forge strong relationships and tap into the exciting potential of the Turkish textile market.

Loris Bellini has a global presence in the yarn dyeing sector. How do you ensure effective after-sales service and maintain strong relationships with customers worldwide?

At Loris Bellini, our global presence in the yarn dyeing sector is accompanied by a persistent commitment to providing exceptional after-sales service and maintaining strong relationships with customers worldwide. We ensure effective after-sales service through several key strategies. Firstly, we have established a comprehensive network of service centres strategically located around the world, staffed by trained technicians who provide prompt and efficient support to customers. We offer regular maintenance programmes to ensure optimal performance and longevity of our machines, along with comprehensive training programmes for operators and maintenance staff. Lastly, we continually gather feedback from customers to drive continuous improvement in our products and services. Our approach to after-sales service is centred around proactive support, responsiveness and continuous improvement, all aimed at building and maintaining strong relationships with our customers worldwide.

In expanding to new markets, what challenges does Loris Bellini face, and how do you overcome them?

Understanding the unique dynamics of each market, including regulations, culture and competition, is key. We conduct comprehensive research to tailor our approach, adapting products, services and marketing to local needs. Building brand recognition and trust is vital. We invest in targeted marketing and leverage our network to generate referrals. Our agents located worldwide play a crucial role in establishing these connections and building relationships with local partners. Logistical hurdles like navigating regulations and distribution are addressed by partnering with local experts. Through research, adaptation, relationship building and the support of our precious agents, Loris Bellini successfully expands into new markets worldwide.

From your perspective, what are the most significant trends shaping the textile machinery industry today?

Several significant trends are shaping the textile machinery industry today. Automation and digitalisation are revolutionising operations, enhancing efficiency and productivity. Sustainability is a key focus, with demand for eco-friendly machinery and processes rising. Customisation and flexibility are increasingly important to meet consumer demands for personalised products. Smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0 technologies are optimising operations and maintenance. Globalisation is driving expansion into new markets, particularly in emerging economies. These trends are reshaping the industry, driving innovation, efficiency and sustainability, while opening up new opportunities for manufacturers worldwide. At Loris Bellini, we are committed to staying ahead, leveraging our expertise to deliver cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of the industry.

How is Loris Bellini addressing the challenges associated with digital transformation in the textile industry?

Loris Bellini tackles the challenges of digital transformation in the textile industry through strategic initiatives. We invest significantly in R&D to craft tailored solutions. Integration of technologies like IoT and AI into our machinery plays a key role in our R&D activities. Collaborations with tech partners and academia enrich our knowledge and foster innovation. We maintain a customer-centric approach, working closely with clients to understand their needs and goals. Additionally, we offer training programmes to empower clients with the skills needed for successful digital adoption. These efforts ensure Loris Bellini remains at the forefront of digital transformation, enabling textile manufacturers to thrive in an evolving landscape.

Looking towards the future, where do you see Loris Bellini in the next decade, especially concerning sustainability and technological innovation?

In the future, we envision Loris Bellini as a global leader in sustainability and technological innovation in the textile machinery industry. We are committed to eco-friendly manufacturing practices, including water and energy conservation, waste reduction and promoting circular economy principles wherever applicable. Our focus on technological innovation involves integrating AI, IoT and data analytics into our machinery for enhanced performance and efficiency. Our goal is to empower customers to succeed in a competitive market while shaping a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.

How do you plan to adapt to the changing needs of the textile industry, particularly in the context of increasing automation and AI?

Adapting to the changing needs of the textile industry, especially with increasing automation and AI, is a top priority for Loris Bellini. We plan to navigate this landscape through continuous innovation, investing in R&D to stay ahead of industry trends. We are focusing on customisation and flexibility, developing machinery that offers versatility to adjust production processes swiftly. Integrating automation and AI into our machinery will enhance performance, efficiency, and reliability. We collaborate with technology partners, research institutions and industry experts to access cutting-edge technologies and develop tailored solutions. Our customer-centric approach involves close collaboration with clients to understand their challenges and needs, ensuring our solutions deliver value. Additionally, we provide training and education programmes to empower customers with the skills needed to leverage automation effectively. Through innovation, collaboration, and customer focus, we are poised to adapt to the evolving textile industry landscape.

Finally, what advice would you give to emerging companies in the textile machinery sector looking to make a significant impact?

For emerging companies in the textile machinery sector, making a significant impact requires a few key strategies. First, prioritise innovation. Invest in research and development to create cutting-edge solutions that address industry challenges. Second, understand your customers’ needs deeply. Listen to feedback and tailor your offerings accordingly. Sustainability should be a central focus, so develop eco-friendly solutions. Stay agile and adaptable in response to industry changes and consider collaboration with partners to accelerate growth. Lastly, invest in a talented team and adopt a culture of excellence. These steps can help emerging companies carve out a successful path in the textile machinery sector.
Published on: 02/05/2024

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.

This interview was first published in the May 2024 edition of the print magazine