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Interview with Alberto Gotti

Alberto Gotti
Alberto Gotti
Sales Director

Producing a new line of yarn dyeing machines
Danitech was born from the will of a group of technicians to offer the world textile market a line of products that offers companies engaged in the finishing of textile fibres face challenges of an increasingly competitive market. In an interview with Fibre2fashion, Alberto Gotti, sales director, Danitech, discusses how despite the pandemic the company managed to pull through with a year-on-year growth rate of 5 per cent and the new product line planned for future.

Give us a background about Danitech. How many people do you employ?

Danitech is a relatively young company founded in 2015 by a group of technicians and manager who have worked in the textile machinery sector over the last 25/30 years. Today we have two production units with a total number of over 140 employees.

At what rate is the textile dyeing machinery market growing world over and in Italy?

The textile machinery sector suffered an undeniable contraction in 2020 caused by the pandemic in progress and the consequent concern for, but above all uncertainty about the future.
Despite not a euphoric context, the growth of Danitech, which was exponential up to 2019 with an average growth rate of over 32 per cent per year, continued also in 2020, obtaining a growth of 5 per cent on 2019 turnover.

What is unique about Danitech machines?

Danitech pays the utmost attention to obtain a reduction in the customer's production costs by offering technical solutions suitable for the automatic management of each phase of the dyeing machine process.
Our target is to offer customers the highest technology available on the market today, but which is easy to manage by any operator.

Last year was a difficult year for the world due to the onset of the pandemic. How was the Italian textile machinery industry affected?

Undoubtedly, last year was an extremely difficult year for everyone, regardless of the sector we belong to, despite the fact that in Danitech we not only managed to consolidate the results achieved in 2019 but we achieved growth, even if limited to 5 per cent compared to the previous year.

How have customer preferences changed in the current scenario and how are you reacting to that?

We do not detect any difference in the preferences of our potential customers. Of course, it is undeniable that the pandemic and the consequent difficulty, on the part of our technicians to be physically present, has forced us to act for maintaining the service and paying attention to our customers. To do this, we have strengthened our service by inserting local resident technicians in our structure and strengthening the remote assistance service.

How does your supply chain work? Which parts of the world are part of your value-chain?

We work mainly with European suppliers.

Which are your major markets?

Currently our main markets are China, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Argentina, Brazil, Central America and Portugal.

Which are some of the major textile/ apparel brands who are advocates of your machinery?

Our customers supply many of the internationally recognised brands, among which we mention the Calzedonia group and Best Pacific, the main supplier of Victoria Secrets.

Where is the manufacturing/ production done? What is your installed capacity? How is the demand and supply worked out?

We have two production units, one located in Italy and a second unit in China.
The Chinese unit supplies the Chinese market while in Italy the machines for the rest of the world are produced. The current production capacity is around 30 machines per month.

What is the production capacity of your machines?

The production capacity of our machines depends on the load capacity of the individual machine but I can say that on an average, our machines produce, speaking of complete reactive dyeing processes, at least 4 batches / day on dark tones.

How much are you investing in your machines annually?

As I mentioned before, Danitech is a continuous phase of expansion, either from the production point of view or from the research and development of new products. Therefore, Danitech fully invests 100 per cent of the operating margins deriving from its sales.

Technology is in a sense leading the fightback. What steps has Danitech taken or is taking to move into a more digitalised work culture?

The great changes taking place in the way of working and its organisation thanks to the new opportunities that technologies are making available to us, are undeniable. At Danitech we pay the utmost attention to new technologies and digitalisation of work. In fact, today our technical documentation, either internal or provided to our clients, is exclusively digital.

What are the new launches / product offerings to look forward to in the current year?

We have increased our product line by developing and producing a new line of yarn dyeing machines thanks to the inclusion in our facility of engineer Davide Bellini, who, thanks to his many years of experience in the sector, has allowed us to develop a new line that we are sure will bring new opportunities.

What are your future expansion plans?

We are constantly expanding; we do not set limit ourselves other than those that the markets will impose on us. (PC)
Published on: 16/03/2021

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.