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Interview with Vijayaragavan

Lavos Performance
Lavos Performance

Our primary focus is on problem-solving through our products
Lavos Performance is at the forefront of the sustainable fashion movement, dedicated to creating high-quality, eco-friendly apparel that marries style with sustainability. By integrating innovative materials like bamboo viscose, organic cotton, and elastane, Lavos ensures that each piece of clothing not only looks good but also upholds the values of environmental responsibility and comfort. Through its commitment to reducing carbon emissions and enhancing local textile quality, Lavos is reshaping fashion for a greener future. Speaking to Fibre2Fashion, Founder Vijayaragavan discusses the use of bamboo in clothing, sustainability, carbon neutrality and more.

Can you discuss any innovative materials or practices that are gaining popularity in sustainable apparel manufacturing?

Certainly! While there are numerous innovative materials like banana, hemp and jute that are emerging in sustainable apparel manufacturing, bamboo remains a frontrunner due to its commercial feasibility and environmental benefits.

How have consumer attitudes towards eco-friendly products changed during the last few years?

Consumer attitudes towards eco-friendly products have significantly evolved in recent years, with a noticeable increase in awareness. Today, consumers are more conscientious about sustainability and actively seek out products that align with their values, often scrutinising various parameters to check the level of sustainability offered.

What challenges do companies typically face when trying to balance profitability with sustainability?

Achieving a balance between profitability and sustainability presents significant challenges for companies. However, as awareness among consumers grows, there is an emerging willingness to purchase sustainable and innovative apparel, even at higher costs. This shifting mindset is gradually improving the landscape for companies seeking to align profitability with sustainable practices.

How do regulations and government policies impact operations and strategies in the sustainable fashion sector?

By introducing incentives such as tax benefits for sustainable clothing production and establishing standardised certifications, governments can encourage companies to prioritise environmentally friendly practices.

In what ways do you think the industry can work together to accelerate the shift towards more sustainable practices?

Collaborative efforts within the industry are essential for accelerating the transition to more sustainable practices. One significant step involves sourcing materials locally to minimise carbon emissions.

Can you tell us about the journey of Lavos since its inception in 2010? What were the major milestones?

We are basically an apparel exporting company catering to esteemed global brands in the US and Europe, delivering top-notch apparel products. However, amidst this success, I realised the absence of international quality offerings within the Indian market. I struggled to find such high-calibre products locally. And that is how the idea of Lavos Performance was born, where the focus is to give premium quality apparel to Indian consumers at affordable pricing.

What inspired the shift towards using bamboo viscose and organic cotton in your products?

Bamboo, unlike other fibres, grows abundantly with minimal intervention; it thrives without excessive water or fertiliser. Moreover, its growth continues even after harvesting. Additionally, bamboo possesses inherent antimicrobial properties, further enhancing its appeal as a natural fibre. Its ability to wick moisture and dry swiftly surpasses that of any other natural fibre, making it an exceptional choice for our consumers.

How do you ensure the sustainability of your bamboo sources?

To maintain the sustainability of our bamboo sources, we source fibre from FSC certified source. Also, we have been sourcing fibre from the same vendor for the past 20 years where we monitor and control the entire supply chain from fibre to garment. Even the processing of bamboo is closely monitored to make sure that the process from wood pulp to fibre is made eco-friendly.

What challenges did you face in developing your blend of bamboo viscose and organic cotton, and how did you overcome them?

Developing our blend of bamboo and organic cotton posed several challenges, notably in terms of sourcing and production efficiency. Initially, we were procuring fabric directly from China, but due to their unwillingness to meet our stringent quality standards, we opted to import the fibre from China and manufacture the fabric at our own premises. Furthermore, to eliminate CO2 emissions, we are now sourcing fibre within India.

Could you elaborate on the process and technology involved in reducing your carbon footprint by 22,000 PPMV?

To significantly reduce our carbon footprint by 22,000 PPMV, we have implemented a robust strategy that combines renewable energy sources with efficient consumption practices. With a renewable energy capacity of 13 megawatts from wind and solar power, we now generate 261 times more energy than we consume.

What measures are in place to maintain the carbon neutrality of the LAVOS brand?

In addition to harnessing renewable energy from wind and solar sources, as mentioned, we employ energy-efficient machinery to minimise power consumption, and actively engage in planting over 2,000 trees annually. Additionally, the effluent water used in textile processing is treated, reused and recycled, ensuring that 95 per cent of the water is reused in textile processing. Thus, we minimise our environmental footprint and maintain our commitment to sustainability.

What steps are taken to ensure that the quality of products sold domestically is on par with those exported?

All Lavos products are manufactured in our own factories, where we also produce for top international brands, maintaining very stringent quality standards.

What are the future plans for Lavos Performance in terms of product development and expanding your sustainability initiatives?

We are dedicated to addressing the needs of individuals with innovative solutions, particularly in the realm of innerwear. Our primary focus is on problem-solving through our products. Currently, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our period panty, designed for low flow days. It can be used without a pad on expected post period days. It is reusable and washable; this will help women avoid pads for few days. The focus is to empower working women so that they can confidently tackle their daily tasks without the distraction of potential leaks.
Interviewer: Shilpi Panjabi
Published on: 10/06/2024

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.