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Interview with Ashna Ruia

Ashna Ruia
Ashna Ruia

Our platform offers a smooth integration between inspiration and purchase
LehLah is a first-of-its-kind social commerce platform that enables consumers to purchase products from their favourite creators, fostering a convenient shopping journey. This platform connects fashion creators, consumers, and partner brands, offering curated fashion recommendations with direct shoppable links, enabling creators to monetise their content. In a chat with Fibre2Fashion, Founder Ashna Ruia talks about social commerce and enhancing the joy of shopping.

What inspired you to create LehLah, and how do you think it stands out in the social commerce industry?

The spark ignited during my visit to the US Open final in New York, featuring my favourite tennis player. Her impeccable style, particularly a pair of sunglasses she showcased on Instagram, captivated me. Despite my reluctance to send direct messages, my eagerness to acquire those sunglasses led me to reach out, unfortunately with no response, leaving me disheartened.
Then during a trip to London, I went to great lengths, even consulting staff at the prestigious Selfridges department store, seeking information on this pair of sunglasses. This quest made me realise the frustration of chasing down desired items influenced by admired figures. It dawned on me that there had to be a simpler solution.
Living in a world with influencers from social media, the gap between inspiration and purchase became glaringly apparent. Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube bombard us with things we love, yet the seamless transition from inspiration to acquisition seems elusive. Motivated by this experience, I decided to create a solution that bridges the gap, offering a smooth integration between inspiration and purchase.

How does the brand’s approach to social commerce differ from other platforms in the market?

LehLah distinguishes itself in the realm of social commerce by directly addressing the challenges associated with shopping discovery and simplifying the purchasing process through influencers. Our unique approach involves collaborating with influencers across various social media platforms, who integrate a specially generated LehLah link into their posts.
Upon clicking this link, users are directed to a dedicated page displaying all the details of the product featured in the influencer’s post, spanning categories such as clothing, accessories, and beauty. The next step involves users selecting their desired items and being redirected to our partner websites, including reputable e-commerce platforms like Myntra, Shoppers Stop, and Westside.
Crucially, once users click on an item and complete the purchase, our trusted partners take charge of the fulfilment and delivery process, ensuring timely and careful order delivery. Our involvement in the customer journey extends up to the point of purchase, with the brand seamlessly taking over thereafter.
This ecosystem ensures a win-win situation for everyone involved. Brands experience increased sales, customers enjoy the ease of purchasing favoured items, and we derive satisfaction from having streamlined the process while earning from it. Ultimately, our goal is to enhance the joy of shopping by making the experience as seamless as possible for all parties in the equation.

What role do you believe technology plays in enhancing the shopping experience on LehLah?

Technology is the core driver behind LehLah’s commitment to elevating the shopping experience. Our platform seamlessly integrates with social media, generating unique links for influencers and simplifying the journey from inspiration to purchase. Leveraging partnerships with top e-commerce platforms, technology ensures a secure and diverse product range. Detailed showcases provide comprehensive information on items, and efficient order fulfilment is facilitated by trusted partners. Personalisation features, driven by technology, tailor the shopping journey to individual preferences. Data analytics gleaned from technology-driven insights empower continuous improvement, refining functionality and user experience.
Technology is hence integral to creating a user-friendly, efficient, and personalised shopping experience aligned with the influence of social media.

Can you elaborate on the partnership with Athiya Shetty and its impact on the brand’s visibility and growth?

The collaboration with Athiya Shetty marks a transformative moment for LehLah, strategically aligning with our brand’s vision. Athiya, an admired figure in the fashion realm, perfectly embodies LehLah’s essence with her celebrated style and authentic personality. This collaboration is more than a marketing move; it is a harmonious blend of Athiya’s genuine fashion influence and LehLah’s mission to empower creators. Together, we aim to simplify the shopping experience, allowing users to effortlessly shop for items recommended by their favourite creators. This strategic alliance not only elevates LehLah’s visibility but also solidifies our presence in the competitive fashion-tech market. We anticipate that Athiya Shetty’s association will contribute significantly to LehLah’s growth and resonate with users seeking authenticity in their shopping journey.

With 200,000 app downloads in just one year, what strategies have contributed to the company’s rapid growth?

Our company’s rapid growth, with 200,000 app downloads in just a year, can be attributed to strategic engagement with users and a focus on key categories. In the early stages, user feedback played a crucial role, shaping our platform with insights from these early advocates. Maintaining an ongoing dialogue helped us understand preferences and areas for improvement. Currently centred around fashion and beauty, our app’s success in these categories has been pivotal. The higher engagement and interest observed in fashion have guided our strategy. Looking forward, we aim to achieve a million users within the next six months to a year. Committed to continuous growth, we remain agile to meet the evolving needs of our expanding user base.

LehLah targets the Gen Z demographic, which is known for its unique shopping habits. How do you cater to the needs and preferences of this age group?

LehLah caters to Gen Z’s unique shopping habits through a digital-first experience, influencer collaborations, and a commitment to authenticity. The platform stays trend-focused, utilises data-driven personalisation, and incorporates social responsibility. Emphasising diversity and inclusivity, LehLah aligns with Gen Z values, creating a space that resonates with their preferences. The brand’s adaptability and understanding contribute to its success in meeting the distinctive needs of this dynamic and tech-savvy demographic.

How does LehLah support and grow its network of content creators, particularly micro- and nano-creators?

LehLah actively supports and cultivates its network of content creators, specifically catering to micro- and nano-creators. Recognising the effort invested in crafting organic content, LehLah facilitates the monetisation of such content that often goes unrewarded initially. With LehLah, creators can enjoy flexibility by posting content on both Instagram and the LehLah app. To unlock commissions, they can share content on LehLah using unique links generated on the app. These links, deployable anywhere, enable creators to earn commissions on resulting sales—a distinctive feature setting LehLah apart. This exclusive monetisation avenue is particularly beneficial for smaller creators, offering them a means to sustain income and foster creativity during the early stages when securing sponsorships can be challenging.

Could you share insights into how the brand manages to maintain a diverse user base across urban cities and tier 2 locations?

LehLah actively engages with influencers not only from metropolitan areas but also from tier 2 locations. This ensures that our platform is represented by individuals who resonate with different regions and cultures. We empower and collaborate with micro-influencers in tier 2 locations. Their local influence can be highly impactful in creating a relatable and authentic connection with users in those areas. We encourage users to share their content on their social media along with our platform. We ensure that our marketing materials showcase diversity in terms of ethnicity, culture, and lifestyle, resonating with a broad spectrum of users.

LehLah has partnered with over 5,000 brands. What criteria do you use to select partner brands, and how do these partnerships benefit both parties?

At LehLah, our brand selection process is driven by a commitment to providing users with a seamless and convenient shopping experience. We carefully choose partners based on criteria that prioritise quality, diversity, and relevance to our users. We have established partnerships with brands such as Myntra, Shoppers Stop, Sugar Cosmetics, Westside, and Limese, among others. For LehLah, these partnerships mean an expansive and varied collection of brands, enriching our platform and meeting the diverse preferences of our users. Simultaneously, our partner brands benefit from increased visibility and access to our growing user base, opening up new avenues for customer engagement and potential expansion. This collaborative approach ensures a mutually beneficial relationship, reinforcing our dedication to making shopping both convenient and beneficial for all.

Can you share any upcoming features or initiatives that LehLah is planning to introduce to enhance user experience?

We are strategically intensifying our partnerships both in the marketplace and the direct-to-consumer (D2C) space. This initiative ensures that our users have access to an extensive array of high-quality products, offering diversity in styles, trends, and categories.
In addition to the above, LehLah is aggressively increasing its creator network, to ensure that users enjoy the most satisfying shopping experience. By collaborating with influencers and content creators from diverse backgrounds and domains, we aim to showcase a broad spectrum of products that cater to the varied tastes and preferences of our user base.
LehLah is investing in advanced algorithms to provide users with personalised shopping recommendations. By understanding individual preferences, shopping behaviours, and trends, we aim to create a tailored and delightful shopping journey for each user via their most loved creators.
Interviewer: Shilpi Panjabi
Published on: 16/02/2024

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.