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Interview with Ankita Dwivedi

Ankita Dwivedi
Ankita Dwivedi
LQ Milano
LQ Milano

We are determined to deliver the best quality of kidswear
LQ Milano, formerly known as Lyttl Quokka, is an India-based luxury children’s clothing brand that combines timeless design with modern fashion inspired by Italian style. Dedicated to meticulous craftsmanship and premium materials, the brand creates stylish, high-quality garments, offering a blend of practicality and beauty for the little ones who appreciate the finer things in life. Speaking to Fibre2Fashion, Founder Ankita Dwivedi talks about premium kidswear sector.

What inspired you to establish LQ Milano, and what is the main mission or vision behind the company?

LQ Milano was created with the intention of providing young mothers with a luxurious lifestyle and offering them labels they can believe in, trust, and proudly showcase. Indian millennial working mothers are tired of relying on global brands to dress their children. Thus, addressing this gap, LQ Milano emerged, selecting unique, lavish designs for youngsters and actively participating in the ‘Make in India’ movement. The brand has carefully curated exclusive designs inspired by art and culture. As a renowned company, we believe that fashion goes beyond mere styling. We strive to design apparel that stimulates thoughts, allowing children to express themselves and feel comfortable in every way possible. Each LQ design is created with children’s desires in mind – what they want to wear, play with, and laugh about. Our pieces are crafted from soothing, sustainable materials and are designed to be effortlessly wearable, making a fashion statement with every outfit.

How do you see the current trends and developments in the premium fashion industry impacting the future of businesses like yours?

The premium fashion industry has witnessed a remarkable evolution in recent years, characterised by dynamic trends and ground-breaking developments. Today, as we operate within this industry, we recognise the profound impact these transformations can have on our operations, strategies, and overall future outlook.

What are some of the biggest challenges that companies in the kidswear sector are currently facing, and how do you address them?

In the present scenario, businesses operating in the kidswear sector are confronting various challenges that require strategic approaches for successful resolution. One of the foremost challenges is the rapidly evolving fashion trends and preferences among children. This makes it crucial for companies to stay updated and anticipate shifting demands. To mitigate this risk, brands must focus on market research, trend analysis, and proactive product creation to ensure that the children’s clothing options align with current trends. Furthermore, caution must be exercised on the product front. In this context, the quality of the garments must be maintained, and the fabric trends ought to accommodate the rapid growth of children. Given that the children’s wear sector is lucrative yet fiercely competitive, it is vital to seek fresh ideas whenever possible to stay ahead.

Can you discuss any emerging technologies or innovations that are expected to disrupt or revolutionise the kidswear sector in the near future?

Ever since technological advancements have taken centre stage, the transition has not only simplified our personal lives but also enhanced the industry’s ability to manage day-to-day tasks efficiently. Indeed, we have witnessed how the internet has revolutionised buying patterns. This shift has encouraged individuals to become more tech-savvy, using the internet to find the best deal for their desired products. As a result, it is essential to convince clients that LQ Milano’s offerings provide value for money and are the perfect match for their child. Additionally, the filter option has empowered buyers to select the exact types of garments they desire for their children. With the advent of the metaverse, we have seen a new level of personalisation in online purchasing, as parents can remotely check how garments fit their children. From a manufacturing perspective, new technology has been developed to recycle clothes, widely employed to make our operations more sustainable. Therefore, we believe that technology has emerged as an ally that supports more than it disrupts.

How do you stay ahead of the competition in such a rapidly evolving industry, and what strategies do you employ to maintain a competitive edge?

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, keeping up with the competition is a constant challenge. Industries are evolving at an unprecedented rate, driven by technological advancements, shifting client demands, and globalisation. Thus, to succeed in such an environment, organisations must employ effective strategies to maintain a competitive edge.
We believe that we are our own biggest competitors, and thus, we constantly strive to surpass our previous achievements. Every hemline, silhouette, pattern, and design is modified numerous times before it is approved. Our sartorial pedigree is Italian, which means we are dedicated to precision, ensuring that every stitch is perfect. After all, fashion is an expression of creativity, and innovation cannot exist without creative thought. With this in mind, we never imitate; instead, we constantly create unique designs for our customers.

From your perspective, what are the key factors or considerations that companies in the kidswear sector should focus on to ensure long-term success and sustainability?

Firstly, maintaining a thorough grasp of changing consumer tastes and trends is critical. Children’s and parents’ tastes and preferences continuously change, so staying aware of these trends and modifying product offerings accordingly is critical.
Secondly, prioritising product quality and safety is paramount. Parents are increasingly concerned about the materials used in children’s clothing and the potential impact on their health. Therefore, companies should strongly emphasise using safe, non-toxic materials and ensuring rigorous quality control measures throughout the production process.
Thirdly, integrating green practices throughout the supply chain is becoming more crucial in today’s environmentally concerned society. This entails using eco-friendly production techniques, reducing waste and energy use, and responsible material sourcing. Implementing sustainable initiatives not only satisfies the demands of socially and environmentally sensitive consumers but also helps the company future-proof itself by minimising its environmental impact.
Moreover, creating a seamless and engaging customer experience is vital for long-term success. This involves leveraging digital technologies to provide convenient online shopping experiences, personalised recommendations, and excellent customer service. In fact, effective marketing and brand positioning plays a significant role in the success of kidswear companies.
Lastly, continuous innovation is critical to staying competitive in the kidswear sector. Companies should invest in research and development to create new and unique designs, introduce innovative features, and explore collaborations that resonate with their target audience.
My team and I are dedicated to developing exceptional children’s clothing that parents can trust. We aspire to deliver what we believe in – a collection for children that is not only trendy but also comfortable, and made of high-quality materials designed to last. Long-term prosperity necessitates innovation, and I believe that complacency with success is not a viable strategy in our profession. Instead, continuous creativity is the key to success. With this in mind, we remain driven to accomplish what we set out to do each day.

How do you prioritise sustainability and environmental responsibility in your operations and offerings?

LQ Milano is committed to building a sustainable future. We prioritise the well-being of the people who work with us, and the planet on which we operate. We are passionate about spreading the message of sustainability and instilling good habits in our little ones, who have the potential to lead the change and create a better world for all. Our latest collection, Jungle Jamba, embodies our dedication to this cause. We are thrilled to participate in this movement and share positive practices with others.

In what ways does LQ Milano contribute to the local community or support social initiatives?

We at LQ Milano are determined to deliver the best quality of kidswear. We believe that children are the only hope for a better future and thus we are cognizant of our social obligation to the communities that support us and our children.

Could you elaborate on any current or future projects or expansions that are in the pipeline?

In our pursuit of excellence, we are currently working on new collections to further enhance our offerings. Our goal is to curate the most unique and exciting designs for kids, adding yet another feather to our cap.

What kind of partnerships or collaborations have you established to enhance LQ Milano’s services or reach a broader audience?

To enhance LQ Milano’s services and reach a broader audience, we have collaborated with influencers, participated in pop-up events, and are running targeted ads on social media platforms. These initiatives are aimed at expanding our reach and connecting with more customers who resonate with our brand.

How do you ensure customer satisfaction and maintain high-quality standards in your deliverables?

We take immense pride in prioritising customer satisfaction and maintaining high-quality standards in our offerings. To achieve these objectives, we adopt a proactive approach by addressing consumer requests and concerns promptly and comprehensively. Additionally, we strive to tailor our services to meet the needs of as many clients as possible through our extensive network of channel partners.

Lastly, how do you envision the future growth and development of LQ Milano, both in terms of market presence and innovation?

When envisioning the future growth and development of LQ Milano, our aspiration is to become the most approachable and sought-after brand for parents and kids seeking unique and inspiring apparel. Our goal is to create clothing pieces that make a lasting statement and become cherished items for our customers. As the fashion market evolves, we continuously strive to reinvent ourselves, aiming to be the best version of LQ Milano.
Interviewer: Shilpi Panjabi
Published on: 06/07/2023

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.