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Interview with Sharif Tarequr Rahman

Sharif Tarequr Rahman
Sharif Tarequr Rahman
Rashni Poly Fiber Industries Ltd.
Rashni Poly Fiber Industries Ltd.

Comprehensive approach to quality is a hallmark of our operations
Rashni Poly Fiber Industries Ltd. (RPFIL) is Bangladesh’s largest facility for recycled PET processing and polyester staple fibre (PSF) production, offering high-quality, customised fibre solutions for various industries. RPFIL is committed to sustainable practices and aims to be the nation’s leading PSF supplier, enhancing Bangladesh’s presence in the global economy. In an interview with Fibre2Fashion, Director Sharif Tarequr Rahman talks about PET processing and recycling in Bangladesh.

How do you envision the future of textile and recycling industry in Bangladesh and globally?

The future of the textile and recycling industry in Bangladesh, as well as globally, is poised for continued growth and innovation. Bangladesh’s textile sector has a multi-decade history of success and is set to expand further. The nation has built a reputation for supplying the world with high-quality products while adhering to strict deadlines. This achievement is a testament to the strength and resilience of Bangladesh’s textile industry.
Moreover, the integration of recycling practices into the textile industry is gaining momentum among mill owners in Bangladesh. We anticipate a surge in investments in this area, reflecting a commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. This aligns with the global awareness and demand for recycling and sustainable manufacturing.
Globally too, the trend towards recycling and sustainable practices in the textile industry is growing stronger. Companies and consumers alike are increasingly recognising the importance of environmental stewardship. Bangladesh, with its established textile industry and emerging focus on recycling, is well-positioned to contribute significantly to this global movement.

In what ways is technology disrupting the industry, and how are companies integrating technological advancements?

Technology is significantly disrupting the textile industry, both by introducing new products with broader applications and by updating existing technologies to enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The integration of technology, automation, and continuous monitoring for improvement is crucial for any industry to withstand the test of time, and the textile sector is no exception.
The textile industry of today looks vastly different from what it was during our forefathers’ time, primarily due to technological advancements. Modern companies, including ours, are embracing the latest and most advanced solutions available. This commitment to technological innovation is essential for staying competitive and meeting the evolving demands of the market.
These advancements are not limited to production processes alone. They encompass various aspects of the industry, including material sourcing, manufacturing, quality control, supply chain management, and even marketing and sales. By integrating these technological advancements, companies can achieve higher efficiency, better product quality, and increased sustainability, ultimately leading to more cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions.

How is the concept of a circular economy being integrated into the textile and recycling industries, and what are the key challenges associated with this transition?

The concept of a circular economy, which emphasises keeping materials in circulation and minimising waste, is increasingly being integrated into the textile and recycling industries. This approach is not just a modern business model; it reflects a way of life that many people are familiar with, such as reusing items, sharing resources, and finding new uses for old products. In the context of textiles, particularly when dealing with materials that do not decompose easily in the environment, recycling becomes not just a choice but a duty.
Adapting to changes that benefit the environment and are economically advantageous should be a straightforward decision. The transition to a circular economy in the textile and recycling industries is a win-win proposition, both environmentally and economically. We encourage companies in the textile and apparel industry to embrace the use of recycled materials, and are committed to collaborating to overcome any challenges that may arise.
One of the key challenges associated with this transition is the need to change existing production processes and supply chains to accommodate recycling and reuse. This might involve investing in new technologies, retraining staff, and establishing new partnerships. Another challenge is ensuring the quality and performance of products made from recycled materials, which requires ongoing research and development.
Despite these challenges, the move towards a circular economy is essential for sustainable development. It not only helps in conserving natural resources and reducing environmental impact but also opens up new business opportunities and drives innovation. As more companies join this movement, the industry will continue to evolve, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

How do global economic fluctuations and changing trade dynamics affect the textile and recycling industries?

Global economic fluctuations and changing trade dynamics have an impact on the textile and recycling industries, much like they affect other sectors. Industries, including ours, are built to endure and survive over decades, and contingency plans are put in place to navigate through various economic challenges. We have already faced and overcome many such challenges in the past.
Factors such as currency exchange rates, power supply stability, global geopolitical conditions, and fluctuations in raw material costs can pose obstacles. However, the textile and recycling industries are known for their resilience and adaptability. Companies within these industries have taken measures to mitigate the effects of economic fluctuations and changing trade dynamics.
One key strategy has been substantial investments in our own industry and in building strong partnerships within the supply chain. By strengthening these links and working collaboratively, we aim to ensure the success and sustainability of our businesses despite the uncertainties in the global economic landscape.

Can you share with us the inspiration behind the founding of Rashni Poly Fiber Industries Ltd. and its journey since its incorporation?

The foundation of Rashni Poly Fiber Industries Ltd. (RPFIL) was driven by the clear vision and inspiration of our chairman, Khwaja Tipu Sultan. His ambition to uplift the community and contribute to building the nation’s backbone is at the heart of RPFIL’s establishment. He envisions establishing Bangladesh as a robust industrial nation, empowering the people economically and nurturing their inner strength.
The choice to venture into the recycled PET processing and polyester staple fibre (PSF) sector was deliberate. It reflects a commitment to promoting environmental awareness by facilitating recycling and creating a sustainable backward linkage for the textile and readymade garments (RMG) sector, which holds a significant position in Asia. RPFIL’s journey, steered by this vision, is a testament to the power of a purpose-driven approach in building a successful and impactful industry.

RPFIL is described as Bangladesh’s largest recycled PET processing and PSF production facility. What challenges and opportunities did you encounter in achieving this status?

We faced several challenges and embraced numerous opportunities to achieve this status. In Bangladesh, there are several micro processing centres for recycled PET bottles and a few medium capacity processing plants. These facilities often focus on recycling PET bottles into various products where the highest quality or large quantities are not crucial. In contrast, RPFIL boasts the largest PET bottle and flakes processing and washing plant in the country, equipped with an Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to ensure no environmental impact. A key feature of RPFIL’s approach is the hot washing plant that utilises by-product heat from exhaust gas, significantly reducing the carbon footprint.
The journey to this point involved meticulous planning, securing funding, assembling the right team, and executing the plan effectively. Overcoming these challenges required strong leadership. Now in full production, RPFIL stands as a proud testament to its management, funding partners, efficient workforce, and as a source of national pride. The journey, though demanding, has proven to be entirely worthwhile, establishing an industry that not only elevates Bangladesh but also garners global admiration. This achievement provides RPFIL with a competitive edge in terms of quality, cost, reliability, and reputation, positioning the company as a leader in the industry.

Could you elaborate on how RPFIL’s commitment to quality assurance is implemented across your production processes?

RPFIL’s commitment to quality assurance is deeply ingrained in our operations, drawing inspiration from our roots in the service industry, specifically from our association with Bangladesh’s top five-star hotel and resort, The Grand Sultan Tea Resort and Golf. Achieving high quality requires meticulous attention across all sectors, including planning, conception, operations, and customer relations. This comprehensive approach to quality is a hallmark of our operations.
A critical aspect of our production process is the quality of raw materials. For recycled materials, it is essential to eliminate impurities, which is achieved through a combination of human effort and advanced machinery. We also maintain high standards in the selection of washing agents and ensure consistent temperature control during manufacturing. Furthermore, working closely with our customers is vital, as it allows us to tailor our processes to meet their specific needs.
RPFIL prides itself on having the largest and most well-equipped laboratory among our competitors, both nationally and potentially globally. Our laboratory routinely generates reports from random samples across all batches in our operations. These rigorous quality checks are supported by a dedicated office team that continuously analyses data, facilitates cross-communication among teams, and leverages ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) tools. This ensures accurate delivery dates and adherence to the precise parameters required for each individual order. Our comprehensive approach to quality assurance is what sets RPFIL apart in the industry.

How does the company balance the need for product customisation with maintaining high production efficiencies?

Excellent question! In short – experience. Balancing product customisation with high production efficiency is indeed a challenge, but RPFIL successfully manages this through experience and advanced planning. Customisation of orders often leads to downtime and adjustments in the production process, but this can be minimised with foresight and a steady flow of repeat orders.
RPFIL offers a range of customisation options for PSF. To handle these efficiently, our international team, consisting of process engineers, production crew, and dedicated quality assurance personnel, engages in proactive planning for future manufacturing orders. This approach allows us to anticipate and prepare for specific customer requirements.
Another key factor in maintaining efficiency alongside customisation is the categorisation of raw materials. RPFIL stands out in this aspect, as we are the only company in our field with large silos to store different types of raw materials. This organisation enables us to quickly access the specific materials needed for customised orders, reducing the time and complexity involved in material handling and processing.

RPFIL is in the process of obtaining GRS and ISO 9001 certifications. How do you expect these certifications to influence your business practices and customer trust?

Certifications are our friends. We view certifications not just as formal endorsements, but as valuable tools for continuous improvement. Undergoing regular audits as part of the certification process helps ensure our processes are well-organised and complete. We welcome scrutiny from stringent certification bodies, as it aids in identifying any overlooked aspects in our operations.
Obtaining certifications like GRS (Global Recycled Standard) and ISO 9001 demonstrates our adherence to internationally recognised and approved guidelines. This is particularly important in today’s interconnected business world, where companies often rely on others in their supply chain. Certifications provide a level of assurance to our business partners and customers, confirming that our operations meet high standards of quality and sustainability.
For other businesses, these certifications mean they can focus on their core operations without worrying about the integrity of their backward linkages. Top certification agencies vouch for companies like RPFIL, ensuring that we operate in line with global standards. This instils confidence in potential partners and customers, making it easier for them to choose us as a reliable supplier.

Can you explain the significance of the 1.4D Solid fibre in your product line and its impact on various industries?

The 1.4D Solid fibre in our product line holds significant importance, especially in the context of Bangladesh’s thriving RMG sector. Bangladesh has earned a reputable position in the global market, supported by over a thousand textile and spinning mills that produce yarns and fabrics for the RMG industry. Man-made fibres, alongside cotton, have made a substantial contribution to this sector.
With a growing global emphasis on sustainability and environmentally friendly business practices, recycled fibres have emerged as the next significant trend. Advancements in technology have enabled the production of Spinning Grade 1.4D Solid fibre from recycled materials. This fibre possesses key attributes such as high strength (tenacity), excellent colour properties, dye holding capacity, lustre, and shine.
The availability of such high-quality, recycled fibres is a game-changer for global companies, enabling them to participate in socially and environmentally responsible manufacturing while still delivering top-quality, safe-to-use yarns. The 1.4D Solid fibre thus plays a pivotal role in meeting the evolving demands of the industry, aligning with the global shift towards sustainability without compromising on product quality and performance.

What are the key factors that differentiate RPFIL’s Hollow Conjugated Siliconized (HCS) fibre in the global market?

HCS fibre, particularly the 3D Hollow variant, is a product with distinctive properties that are crucial for the quality of finished consumer products. RPFIL’s HCS fibre stands out in the global market due to its precision in various parameters. If these parameters are not correctly managed, it can lead to several issues such as lack of bounce, quick degradation of fluffiness, inadequate thermal conductivity, and compromised comfort. For instance, summer jackets could become excessively hot, winter jackets might fail to provide sufficient warmth, pillows could flatten quickly, comforters might be thick but not warm enough, and sleeping bags could become uncomfortable, impacting the overall camping experience.
At RPFIL, we understand that producing HCS fibre is a combination of art and science. We ensure that our HCS fibres meet industry-leading standards, maintaining consistent quality across all batches. This consistency is critical for global brands that rely on our fibres, as it guarantees that their unique product recipes remain unchanged over time, regardless of the day, month, or year. This commitment to quality and consistency in our HCS fibres is a key differentiator in the global market, making RPFIL a preferred choice for customers seeking reliable and high-quality fibre solutions.

How does your company contribute to environmental sustainability, particularly through its recycling practices?

RPFIL’s commitment to environmental sustainability, particularly through its recycling practices, is a cornerstone of our success story. Our leadership has placed a high emphasis on recycling and environmental sustainability, not just in production but in all aspects of our operations. Our approach to sustainability is comprehensive, encompassing every step of the process from the collection of bottles and flakes to the final production stages.
We pay close attention to the source of our raw materials, ensuring that our collection methods are responsible and contribute to the larger goal of environmental sustainability. The cleaning process for the recycled materials is carefully designed to minimise water usage and environmental impact. We consider aspects such as the treatment of post-cleaning water, the efficiency of water usage, the methods of heating water, and the carbon footprint associated with creating chilled air.
RPFIL has invested in state-of-the-art power generation equipment with world-leading efficiency rates. We capture and utilise by-product heat, which would otherwise be wasted, to generate a significant amount of steam for creating hot water. Excess hot water is then used in bleeding-edge technology to produce chilled air. All production water is recycled and reused after being treated in our ETP. Our focus extends beyond the production process to include maintaining greenery within and around the project site and ensuring the well-being of our skilled workforce.

How do you think events like the recent one by BAE & Fashion for Good impact sustainable practice adoption in Bangladesh’s textile industry?

At RPFIL, we regard initiatives like the recent collaboration between Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) and Fashion for Good as vital for promoting sustainability in Bangladesh’s textile industry. This event, along with the contributions and efforts of organisations such as BGMEA, BKMEA, BTMA, and companies committed to sustainable manufacturing, resonates with our own dedication to sustainable practices.
As mentioned earlier, RPFIL is deeply invested in implementing cutting-edge technologies and practices that uphold environmental responsibility. Our approach includes using recycled materials, focusing on waste reduction, and utilizing waste heat as a valuable resource in our manufacturing processes. This reduces power consumption and minimises our carbon footprint, aligning us with the principles of circularity and environmental stewardship. Events orchestrated by BAE and Fashion for Good highlight the significance of such sustainable practices.
We are enthusiastic about and supportive of other companies in the industry taking steps towards a greener and more sustainable future. We believe in the collective responsibility to foster a sustainable textile industry. Through knowledge sharing, collaborative initiatives, and innovative solutions, we can drive positive change together. RPFIL is committed to being an active participant in this movement and eagerly anticipates collaborating with industry peers to cultivate a more sustainable and eco-friendly textile landscape in Bangladesh.

What role does innovation play in RPFIL’s strategy, especially in developing new products and technologies?

If I were to encapsulate our approach to innovation in one word, it would be ‘R&D’ (Research and Development). In a rapidly evolving world, the textile industry is advancing swiftly, and staying ahead requires a dedicated and proactive approach to R&D.
RPFIL is committed to continuous research on emerging products in the textile industry. We are adaptable and prepared to produce the latest and greatest innovations, rather than remaining stagnant with outdated or mediocre offerings. This focus on innovation and adaptability ensures that RPFIL remains at the forefront of the industry, consistently meeting the evolving needs and expectations of our customers and the market. Our dedication to R&D is a key element of our strategy, driving the development of new products and technologies that set us apart in the competitive landscape.

Can you discuss any upcoming projects or expansions that RPFIL is planning?

This is a great question. RPFIL is always mindful of the need to evolve and adapt in a dynamic world with shifting demands. The last thing we want is to become obsolete like dinosaurs. While I cannot reveal specific details, I can assure you that we are keenly observing industry trends, emerging technologies, and opportunities for value-added products.
Currently, our primary focus is on PSF and ensuring the success of our customers.
Interviewer: Shilpi Panjabi
Published on: 03/02/2024

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.