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Interview with Caterina Nesci

Caterina Nesci
Caterina Nesci
Chief Marketing Officer
Tema Moda
Tema Moda

Our clothes are 100 per cent genuine Italian made
Tema Moda is a leading Australian-owned luxury brand that specialises in women’s clothing and fashion. All products are designed and hand-crated in Italy by experienced artisans to provide everyday comfort and elegance. The company is committed to sustainably producing its collections and sourcing only the finest materials in all products. In a chat with Fibre2Fashion, Chief Marketing Officer Caterina Nesci discusses Italian craftsmanship, Australian fashion, sustainability and more.

How do you believe consumer attitudes towards sustainable fashion have evolved in recent years?

In recent years, we believe that consumer attitudes towards sustainable fashion have significantly evolved. Initially, sustainability in fashion was perceived as a niche concept, mainly embraced by a small group of environmentally conscious individuals. However, with the growing awareness and understanding of the detrimental impact of the fashion industry on the environment, consumer attitudes have shifted considerably.
Today, more and more consumers are becoming mindful of the ecological and social consequences of their fashion choices. They are actively seeking out sustainable fashion options and demanding transparency from brands regarding their production, sourcing, and labour practices. This increased concern for sustainability in fashion has resulted in the emergence of eco-friendly brands, upcycling initiatives, and a rise in second-hand clothing markets.
Consumers are also realising the importance of investing in timeless, durable, and ethically produced garments, rather than constantly chasing fast-fashion trends that contribute to high levels of waste and exploitation. They are willing to pay a premium for sustainable fashion items, understanding that they are not only better for the environment but also for their personal well-being.

What advice would you give to consumers who are looking to transition to more sustainable fashion choices?

I would advise consumers who are looking to transition to more sustainable fashion choices to consider the following tips: 
• Research sustainable brands: Look for clothing brands that prioritise sustainable practices. Check for those brands which ensure ethical and environmentally friendly production.
• Choose quality over quantity: Invest in well-made, long-lasting clothing items instead of buying cheap and disposable ones. Quality garments tend to have better craftsmanship and fabrics, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
• Choose clothes that are timeless: Classic timeless pieces can be used in various ways and do not go out of fashion. 
• Choose natural and organic fabrics: Look for clothing made from sustainable fabrics such as organic cotton, linen, or hemp. These materials are produced with fewer chemicals and have a lower impact on the environment.
• Take care of your clothes: Properly taking care for your garments extend their life. Follow washing instructions, mend small damages, and consider donating unwanted items instead of throwing them away.
• Support local and ethical manufacturing: Look for locally made clothing or brands that ensure fair wages and good working conditions for their employees. This reduces carbon emissions from transportation and supports local economies.

What role do you think technology will play in advancing sustainability within the fashion industry?

Based on our experience, digital transformation appears to be a significant driving force within the fashion industry. 
Traditional practices such as physically examining product samples, travelling to factories for quality control checks and spending an extensive amount of resources on essential processes like acquiring cost quotations for products might require comprehensive revamping.
From a sustainability perspective, this evolution is indeed advantageous. Contemporary solutions enable us to conduct meetings via platforms like Zoom and review samples digitally.
While I would not discard the power of face-to-face interactions in nurturing genuine relationships, streamlining core production processes can contribute significantly towards building more sustainable businesses.
The fashion sector needs to abandon its dependency on obsolete software systems and manual procedures promptly if it intends to achieve digital transformation. To meet these demands, companies within this sphere must seize new opportunities and make a paradigm shift by adopting end-to-end digital solutions.
Adjusting our current operational patterns is indispensable in promoting growth and efficiency within existing or emerging markets while providing greater value to our clientele.

How do you see the relationship between sustainability and luxury fashion evolving in the coming years?

In the coming years, I see the relationship between sustainability and luxury fashion evolving in a more significant and transformative way. With increased awareness about the environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry, luxury brands are recognising the need to adopt sustainable practices and incorporate them into their business models.
I believe luxury fashion brands will place a greater emphasis on sustainable sourcing and production methods. This means using ethically sourced materials, reducing waste and pollution, and ensuring fair treatment and working conditions for their employees. There will be a shift towards more sustainable and long-lasting designs, moving away from fast fashion and disposable trends. 
Furthermore, I anticipate that luxury fashion brands will invest in initiatives that support circularity, such as recycling and upcycling programmes. This would involve reusing materials, extending the lifespan of products, and encouraging customers to return or recycle their garments.
In terms of consumer behaviour, I believe there will be an increased demand for sustainable luxury fashion. As people become more conscious of their environmental footprint, they will seek out brands that align with their values. This will push luxury fashion brands to prioritise sustainability in their offerings and marketing strategies.
Ultimately, I see sustainability becoming an integral part of the luxury fashion industry, where brands are not only recognised for their exclusivity and craftsmanship but also for their commitment to environmental and social responsibility.

In what ways do you think government policies can support the growth of sustainable fashion?

In the pursuit of fostering sustainability, it would be advantageous to recognise and incentivise fashion brands that are actively making strides towards reducing their carbon footprints. This is not to propose penalties for fast fashion brands but rather an initiative to applaud endeavours such as those made by Tema Moda, demonstrating significant efforts in altering production methods and customer interactions with a conscious aim towards advancing eco-conscious retail practices. 
It remains vital for us all to reconsider our standard procedures eventually; however, exhibiting appreciation for early adopters may speed up this process through inspiring others in the sector. In summary, rewarding transformative behaviour could serve as a potent facilitator of change within the industry.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind Tema Moda and how the idea for your sustainable fashion brand originated?

Tema Moda is an Australian fashion company that was established by a mother and daughter duo. They founded the label in October 2020 with a strong focus on sustainability. Their unique partnership began when Roberta, the daughter, made the life-changing decision to move from northern Italy to Sydney. It did not take long for her to fall head over heels for Australia, but she could not deny the occasional challenges brought on by the distance between her two worlds and the different time zones. 
During one of Emanuela’s visits to Australia to assist with the birth of her beloved grandson, Roberta recognised and missed the elegance her mother brought with her from Italy and felt that this type of beauty was missing in Australia. Roberta admired her mother’s exceptional talent for creating exquisite clothing and felt that she wanted to share this with the world. This reunion inspired them to collaborate on creating a clothing label together, with the goal of bringing latest design and Italian elegance to Australia. Their purpose was two-fold: to establish a sustainable fashionable brand, and support local artisans continue with their skills and pass them on for future generations.
At the outset, sustainable fashion was key to both Emanuela and Roberta because they understood well that the fashion industry needed change. And so, they made it their purpose to produce well-made artisan clothing that stood the test of time and was gentle to the planet.
And so, through this innovative partnership, Roberta took on the role of establishing and launching Tema Moda as a sustainable Australian brand. Meanwhile, Emanuela remained in Italy, serving as the designer and manufacturer behind every exquisite piece of clothing.

How does Tema Moda incorporate Italian craftsmanship into its collections, and why is this aspect important to your brand?

Tema Moda strongly believes in the importance of supporting artisans and ensuring the sustainability of the fashion industry. Italian artisans are renowned for their remarkable craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail. They create exceptional products that embody the rich traditions and techniques of Italy. By supporting these talented artisans, we not only preserve their invaluable skills but also contribute to the cultural heritage of our community.
For example, Tema Moda’s workshop in Italy, led by Emanuela, exemplifies sartorial expertise passed down from generations of Italian seamstresses. Every item is meticulously crafted with in-house cutting and hand-finished touches, ensuring each piece is unique. Our skilled seamstresses bring a level of craftsmanship that is increasingly rare, adding a personal touch and a compelling story to each of our products.
At Tema Moda, we are committed to upholding the fashion industry’s sustainability by supporting these skilled artisans. Our focus is on preserving their expertise and enriching the cultural heritage of our community. By investing in these talented individuals, we aim to contribute to the longevity and prosperity of the fashion industry. We believe that by nurturing their craftsmanship, we can make a meaningful difference in our community.

Could you elaborate on the materials used in your clothing and how they align with your commitment to sustainability?

Over the years, our chief designer Emanuela Tellaroli has seen a number of changes within textile trends. Particularly, there has been a marked shift in the fashion industry, transitioning from the creation of elaborately designed garments to more simplified, mass-produced ones. At the same time, it should also be noted that technology in machinery has led to improvements and modernisation. 
With this background, brands today tend to produce garments that allow for more manageable maintenance yet trading off against eco-friendliness owing largely to elastane utilisation within their textile composition.
In comparison, Emanuela and her team focus on natural fibres like linen, cotton, wool, silk, and natural viscose because they are sustainable products and retain their inherent advantages in terms of tactility and comfort when worn. And more importantly our commitment to ensuring that we are true to our label on sustainability and reducing our environmental impact.
Emanuela and her team dedicate their focus to researching and implementing eco-friendly materials in their collections, aligning with the European Union’s commitment to sustainability. They are actively seeking innovative solutions for creating and offering natural fabrics with natural dyes that are environmentally friendly. Tema Moda currently remains vigilant for new natural fabric options in the market.

What specific steps does Tema Moda take to ensure sustainability throughout its production process?

At Tema Moda we source the very best of products. Our clothes are 100 per cent genuine Italian made. And with this, comes quality, durability, and sustainability.
We begin each of our designer garments with an inspirational idea which then undergoes rigorous scrutiny to assess market demand before deciding to proceed further with the design development.
Post extensive debate on any given concept, our dedicated team undertakes comprehensive research before initiating new product development. This not only includes analysis on whether natural fabrics can bring the design to fruition, but also evaluates its functional probability and longevity while trying to reduce material wastage during tailoring processes. We place paramount importance on eco-responsible materials as well as undertake meticulous study—all aimed towards designing enduring merchandise prioritising superior quality.
Should the idea pass the deliberation stage, the team designs a prototype which is crafted and with it several rounds of review and refinements are undertaken until we achieve the final version that meets our exacting standards.
Once successful testing of the prototype has been executed, it transitions into production stage for shipment to Australia. 
At Tema Moda, sustainability is at the heart of our business model. We create limited edition collections to avoid over-production and minimise waste. Any leftover fabric is carefully repurposed into smaller accessories, which adds a unique touch to our collections.

Can you share some insights into the design process at Tema Moda and how you strike a balance between elegance and sustainability?

At Tema Moda, we understand that Australian fashion is based a lot on practicality, on feeling comfortable, and in reflecting the optimism of its people. Italian fashion is all about elegance, sophistication and above all, quality. With Tema Moda you get the best of both worlds as we are based in both northern Italy and Australia. And at the heart is our dedication and strong focus of sustainability.
Having said this, at Tema Moda our design process begins with a thorough brainstorming session and sketching out ideas. We explore different silhouettes, colours, and textures to ensure we capture the essence of elegance in our designs, while prioritising sustainability by selecting eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton, natural viscose, linen, and silk. Our production stage involves a talented team of artisans who meticulously craft each garment with impeccable stitching and exquisite finishes. 
We understand well that our clothes need to be made exceptionally well, which takes more time and a lot more care. And can be a little more expensive. But we see this expense as an investment because our clothes stand the test of time.

How do you measure the environmental and social impact of your business practices, and what metrics do you use to track progress?

Like other fashion houses, we are increasing our commitment to identifying and mitigating our carbon footprint. Part of this initiative encompasses solidifying the future location of our full-time retail store, at which point we will implement green energy solutions for our operations. Additionally, we aim to establish a dedicated sustainable line of products that fulfils the principles of circular economy.
In an endeavour to further encourage sustainable practices within our community, it is also amongst our objectives to facilitate workshops providing instruction on essential garment repairs such as mending hems or fixing zippers and buttons. The more knowledge we gain about clothing longevity, the larger impact we make towards preserving and reusing what is in our wardrobe already.

How does Tema Moda ensure transparency and accountability in its corporate responsibility initiatives?

In May 2022, I was awarded the title of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility of the Year’ an accolade given by the prestigious CEO Magazine. This recognition underscores our commitment to corporate responsibility. Moving forward, we plan to amplify this momentum by seeking further validations for Tema Moda in terms of accreditations and certifications.
By pursuing these reputable credentials, we are strategically positioning Tema Moda both as a leader within our sector and among entities upholding top-level transparency and accountability commitments. We fully understand that such pursuits establish trustworthiness amongst stakeholders while allowing us to consistently fulfil our obligations authentically and transparently. 
Additionally, Tema Moda is committed to upholding ethical sourcing standards and advocates for the fair treatment of its employees. From our website, you will be able find comprehensive insights into practices as well as the materials used in the manufacturing of each of our collections. As part of our initiative to promote awareness, Tema Moda also provides educational content through social media platforms on a number of topics including the consequences of using polyester, distinction between sartorial and industrial skills, significance of artisans, along with various other sustainable initiatives.

Can you discuss any future plans or initiatives that Tema Moda has in place to further enhance its sustainability efforts?

In the immediate future, we intend to open a full-time store in Melbourne and/or Sydney. Our plans are to educate customers with the understanding of what sustainable clothes mean and its difference with fast fashion. Also, very important to the team at Tema Moda is understanding the difference between good quality made clothes and those that are not and the consequences to our planet.
We also intend to extend our contributions towards the advancement of sustainable initiatives, research, and community activities. We understand the significance in supporting environmentally friendly enterprises and our commitment to it. We would also like to engage in a diverse spectrum of impactful projects that include education and empowering local non-profit organisations as well as supporting local communities.
And finally, we also intend to apply for a number of sustainable accreditations and share our journey with customers.

How do you anticipate the pop-up store contributing to the adoption of sustainable fashion practices in Melbourne?

By setting up a sustainable pop-up store, we can contribute to the adoption of sustainable fashion practices in Melbourne in several ways. Firstly, by showcasing our sustainable designer wear and products, the pop-up store can raise awareness and educate consumers about the importance and benefits of sustainable fashion. This can lead to increased demand for sustainable fashion and a shift in consumer behaviour towards more eco-friendly choices.
Secondly, through events and discussions on sustainable fashion, facilitating dialogue on its impact and how to incorporate it into daily life. We aim for customers to embrace our sustainable story, fall in love with our clothing, and gain knowledge in supporting artisans. Educating them will ultimately lead to more informed purchasing decisions for their designer clothing.
At Tema Moda, we believe in transparency. We strive to educate our customers about our sustainability initiatives. From our zero-waste packaging to our commitment to fair trade practices, we make sure our customers can confidently support a brand that shares their values.

What sets this pop-up store apart from traditional retail experiences, particularly in terms of sustainability and customer engagement?

It is the champion team attitude that we have, that sets us apart from our competitors. Our team is fuelled by a profound passion. Roberta and I display our love for designer wear in all we do. We are not just fond of Tema Moda but weave our lives around it. Our charisma brings forth an infectious aura of Italian elegance and style that captivates customers upon first interaction with us.
The pop-up store itself exudes a sustainable aesthetic, featuring wooden tables, hangers, and an overall natural ambiance. At the store, we prioritise on eco-friendly materials, such as sustainable fabric branded bags, and incorporate natural elements like flowers and plants. This design aligns with our commitment to environmental responsibility and appeals to customers who value sustainable living. We are proud to offer a space that reflects our dedication to sustainability and conscious consumption.
Interviewer: Shilpi Panjabi
Published on: 03/04/2024

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.