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A fabric that can store data without any electronics or batteries has been developed by researchers at the University of Washington. Due to magnetic properties of a conductive thread, data is stored in the fabric, which acts as a hard disk. The...

Justin Chan & Shyam Gollakota
PhD student & director of Networks & Mobile Systems Lab respectively | University of Washington

<b>Iago Castro Asensio</b>, International Business Manager of RCfil Distribuciones S.L talks about its biggest markets, its manufacturing sites and the latest trends in the nonwoven segment.

Iago Castro Asensio
International Business Manager | RCfil Distribuciones S.L.

Dr. Andreas Schmidt is Director of Department Function and Care, The Hohenstein Institute. The Hohenstein Institute make up an internationally recognized research and service center. Companies and businesses all along the textile chain, and in...

Dr. Andreas Schmidt
Director | Department Function and Care, The Hohenstein Institute

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