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Arun Paryadath
Head of Retail and Lifestyle - South Asia, A.P. Moller - Maersk
Sunil Sethi
Chairman, Fashion Design Council of India

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Established in 2005, Direct Plus SpA, is one of the largest producers and suppliers of graphene-based products for use in consumer and industrial products. The company's products are natural, chemical-free and sustainably produced and found in...

Giulio Cesareo
CEO & Founder | Directa Plus SpA

<div>A technological breakthrough could see people getting messages about the clothes that lie in their wardrobes unused. These discarded clothes will now be able to tweet and text the owners 'asking' to be worn. Garments will be tagged using...

Mark Brill
Senior Lecturer in Future Media | Birmingham City University (BCU)

A team of engineers at the Vanderbilt University has designed a smart innerwear that combines the science of biomechanics and advances in wearable technology. The project is funded by the university's Discovery Grant, a National Science Foundation...

Karl Zelik
Assistant Professor | Vanderbilt University

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