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A fabric that can store data without any electronics or batteries has been developed by researchers at the University of Washington. Due to magnetic properties of a conductive thread, data is stored in the fabric, which acts as a hard disk. The...

Justin Chan & Shyam Gollakota
PhD student & director of Networks & Mobile Systems Lab respectively | University of Washington

Ventile is a registered trademark used to brand a special high-quality woven cotton fabric first developed by scientists at the Shirley Institute in Manchester in the United Kingdom. It was initially developed for the army and air force. <b>Daniel...

Daniel Odermatt
Senior Marketing and Product manager | Ventile

Armed with an M.Text and a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management, Mr GV Aras began his career at Textile Engineering Group - A.T.E. as Sales Engineer in 1981, in which, he has now risen to the current position of Director. A.T.E. Group...

Mr G V Aras
Director | A.T.E Enterprises Pvt Ltd

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