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<div><b>Chunyi Zhi</b>, associate professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, who is currently focused on flexible/wearable energy storage devices and sensors, and has published more than 190...

Chunyi Zhi
Associate professor- Department of Materials Science and Engineering | City University of Hong Kong

Coating at a fibre level is a practice not usually seen in the high-performance fibres industry, despite this technology having immense advantages. European high-performance fibres supplier, EuroFibers BV developed and implemented this technology in ...

Marcel Alberts
Managing Director | Eurofibers

<b>Giorgio Mantovani</b>, MD of Corman, with a presence in both Milano and New York, discusses the vast world of fem-care products and baby-care products, market prospects, current and future trends.

Giorgio Mantovani
MD | Corman S.p.A

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