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The Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry (INDA) has created a new position of assistant director of career services to promote the thriving nonwovens/engineered fabrics industry as an attractive career choice to the next generation of...

Justin Gutierrez
Assistant Director of Career Services | INDA

A new study led by researchers at the University of Minnesota's Design of Active Materials and Structures Lab (DAMSL) and Wearable Technology Lab (WTL) details the development of a temperature-responsive textile that can be used to create...

Brad Holschuh
Co-director | Wearable Technology Lab, University of Minnesota

Mr. Johan Berlin is the majority shareholder and Managing Director of Investkonsult Sweden AB (Pvt. Ltd). He had worked previously at Investkonsult Int’l Trading (1987-2002) before taking over that company and renaming it to Investkonsult Sweden. ...

Mr. Johan Berlin
Managing Director | Investkonsult Sweden AB

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