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Coating at a fibre level is a practice not usually seen in the high-performance fibres industry, despite this technology having immense advantages. European high-performance fibres supplier, EuroFibers BV developed and implemented this technology in ...

Marcel Alberts
Managing Director | Eurofibers

<div>Bast Fibre Tech (BFT) produces 100 per cent plant-based, intact natural fibres with the technical and performance requirements for a wide variety of nonwoven applications. The company is working to fill the critical need for sustainable...

Jason Finnis
Executive VP, Chief Innovation Officer & Co-Founder | BAST FIBRE

UK-based Directa Plus is one of the largest producers and suppliers worldwide of graphene-based products for use in consumer and industrial markets. The company's products are natural, chemical-free and produced sustainably. Commercial applications...

Giulio Cesareo
CEO & Founder | Directa Plus

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