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<b>Kerem Durdag</b>, CEO, Biovation II LLC, provides an insight into future innovations in nonwoven healthcare products and discusses challenges in offering sustainable products at competitive prices.

Kerem Durdag
CEO | Biovation II LLC

<div><div><div><div><b>Melissa Tate</b>, a well-known scientist currently at the University of New South Wales in Australia, and her team of researchers have woven a fabric that mimics the protective tissue of bones. Tate spoke to <b><i>Savita Verma ...

Melissa Tate
Paul Trainor Chair of Biomedical Engineering | University of New South Wales

<div>Guided by the purpose of renewing life inspired by trees, Suzano is the world’s largest producer of market pulp. The company’s history spans nearly a century, and it is a reference in the innovation and production of renewable, bio-based...

Ari Borg
Global Fluff Business and Strategic Projects Director | Suzano

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