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The Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry (INDA) has created a new position of assistant director of career services to promote the thriving nonwovens/engineered fabrics industry as an attractive career choice to the next generation of...

Justin Gutierrez
Assistant Director of Career Services | INDA

<font face="Arial, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 16px;">INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, serves over 370-member companies in the nonwovens / engineered fabrics industry worldwide. Since 1968, INDA networking events have...

Christopher Astley
Chairman | INDA

<b>Urs Stalder</b>, CEO, Sanitized AG, talks about the increasing use of hygiene functions in textile products, using intelligent systems for odour management in activewear, and expansion activities of the company in China.

Urs Stalder
CEO | Sanitized AG

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