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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

Ms. Wilai Paichitkanjanakul
Ms. Wilai Paichitkanjanakul
Bua Bhat Factory Ltd.

Company Details

Business Area:
Manufacture and export of eco-friendly, handmade home furnishings
Export Capabilities:
Export: 70 tons/year & Domestic: 30 tons/year


How do you see textile-handicrafts sector faring currently in Thailand and abroad? What are the latest trends with regard to sustainability?

The textile handicrafts in Thailand have been promoted by the queen and the royal family on both ways as producer and consumer for over 40 years. Today, the Thai textiles not just have their own styles and designs but the trusted quality also.  The market is getting bigger and better in both local and export areas.

The world trend today is the eco-friendly approach to sustainability. Hand-made materials are the most sustainable, such as the plant-dye that is being used in all parts of Thailand. Due to this, it is easier to manage with the waste water. In Thailand, there are increasing numbers of companies that make recycled and environment-friendly products.

The digital technology has become part of the design section as a tool and management, but this is just the beginning; it is not easy to have different generations on the same job and make them get along smoothly. The integration management is the way that Thai Government can adopt to run the policy to the goal. Besides, the Thai government is always taking care of SMEs same as the industrial businesses in different ways. In Thailand, there are so many programs of self development as well as marketing; the business is only to choose the right one of it.


Published on: 25/02/2012

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.