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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

Mr. Antonio Danti
Mr. Antonio Danti
Managing Director
Danti Paolo Company

Company Details

Business Area:
Manufacturer of textile finishing machines


Your group has been dealing into textile finishing market since decades. Please share with us your reading on the way it is performing worldwide, its peculiar traits and movements?

Our company has reached successfully the third generation of family ownership and management and we have seen many changes in the textile field; changes that are in continuous evolution. For a manufacturer of finishing machines it is essential to be nearby its customers to catch the new trends and to develop together new applications.

Founded in 1935, as a small workshop for the repairing of textile machines our company has developed into a manufacturer of machines and has contributed to the reconstruction of Italian textile industry after the World War 2.

The ‘60s and ‘70s have seen an unprecedented growth of Italian textile industry. In these years Italy was taking advantage of the lower costs against Germany, France and England, to develop a big textile industry.

The ‘80s and ‘90s have seen Italy facing with the growth of countries like Spain, Portugal and Greece. Yet, in all these years the vicinity with our core customers has helped our company to develop new solutions and to propose them in the rest of the world market.

Today Europe and the States are facing the global market that leads these countries to reduce the production of textiles and sourcing in the developing countries. As a result the textile industry has mainly shifted in Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Pakistan and other developing countries.


Your group has been dealing into textile finishing market since decades. Please share with us your reading on the way it is performing worldwide, its peculiar traits and movements?

Our way to make R&D is also changed, a part of that is done in Italy in our factory, and the field application is done thanks to the co-operation of our customers worldwide. This has engaged us in a strong internationalization of our resources and different sites for R&D around the world.

Said that, regarding the present crisis of textile industry, it is to be noted that:

  1. Textile is an industry with high contribution of manpower and a high ecological impact.
  2. The latest developments in textile industry are in fact mainly concentrated in reducing these two factors.
  3. Textile production industry has nowadays shifted in those countries with lower costs of manpower and less stringent environmental policy, but main consumption comes from Europe and US.
  4. The decline of manufacturing industry in Europe and US has led to the financial crisis which has reduced the sales and ultimately also affected the textile industry.

A re-start of the consumption in Europe and US is necessary to fuel the growth of textile industry worldwide, but this is something that is not in the hands of textile entrepreneurs. Their task is to be ready to the changes that the world market is passing.

The recent years have shown a significant increase in the production capacity of the textile machines and also an increase on the automation and repeatability of the process. But this is not the key factor for the success of the future.

Basing the policy on the capacity to produce high volumes involves high risks and introduces the ghost of over-production. The challenge of the future is to increase the added value and the diversification, to produce textiles that last longer, more eco-friendly and with innovative finish; even if with higher prices, but all in such a way that consumers can see their purchase more as an investment, rather than an emotional purchase.

And this is where our company has directed its efforts: giving new finish effects and having machines with a high flexibility.


Published on: 10/02/2012

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.