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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

GS Krishnan
GS Krishnan
Regional President - India
Novozymes South Asia Pvt. Ltd.

Company Details

Business Area:
Industrial enzymes, microorganisms, and biopharmaceutical ingredients
DKK 11,746 million
Export Capabilities:
Production in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, India, UK, United States


Can enzymes prove to be sustainable in the textile sector? How can they play a role in the sustainability agendas of the textile sectors of various countries?

Enzymes are one of the key biological solutions that can help reduce the environmental impact, which is sustainable as well. Enzymes are natural catalysts and can be used in the textile industry to replace a substantial amount of chemicals, while speeding up the processing time. The end result is superior quality of the fabric and large water and energy savings.  

With the advancement in biotechnology, sustainable solutions like enzymes have become cost competitive. Enzymes offer not only greener production methods but are also more economically efficient and effective alternatives to traditional processes. A small quantity of enzymes can replace substantial amount of chemicals - thus decreasing dependence on costly petro-based chemicals while lowering consumption of energy and water and increasing productivity. As many processes can be combined, it also results in considerably shortened process cycle, and also reduced effluents, which can further help to reduce cost of production.  
The Indian textile industry has been battling the critical issue of effluent discharge and treatment. One of the key reasons is the high usage of chemicals in the textile process which tend to increase the environmental load in the form of effluent discharge. The resulting wastewater from the textile process has a high COD (chemical oxygen demand), BOD (biological oxygen demand), and salt content, which further pushes up the treatment cost.
Enzymes being a part of nature are fully biodegradable and thus they do not interfere with the natural balance of rivers and streams once released with effluents. Thus enzymes are sustainable and cost effective solutions which can be easily adopted by the industry.

Textiles are one of the largest industries in China. Given the environmental concerns around textile processes, China government in their 12th five year textile plan have included innovation, branding and sustainability high on its agenda.
With the increased awareness about environmental issues, we believe that enzymes have a huge potential in that market. The China Knitting Industry Association has signed a strategic partnership with Novozymes recently aimed at jointly promoting sustainable development in the Chinese textile industry by using enzyme technology to lower energy use during production and improve waste water treatment.

Published on: 28/02/2014

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