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How important is the technology solutions sector for garment & apparel industry? What are the latest technological innovations taking place? What are the challenges faced?
Technology is an
extremely important component for the successful running of any apparel
company. Whether the business is in retail, a brand, trading or manufacturing,
use of technology creates efficiencies and supports execution of business
operations. The effective use of technologies helps apparel companies
differentiate themselves and be more competitive.
The apparel industry can
be a complex beast because of the nature of the product at hand. Businesses
have to constantly deal with developing numerous products, in numerous
variations, in numerous sizes for numerous markets. The situation is put under
further pressure due to high competition, decreasing margins, tight time-lines
and a fragmented supply chain. This leaves companies with little or no room for
error in execution. It is here that robust information technology facilitates a
common way-of-working across the organization and enables instant sharing of
real-time information, as it is needed and as it changes. Companies that react
quicker to changing business environments and manage development &
production more efficiently will have higher profits and growth.
Apparel is traditionally
a manual industry and highly people dependent but this is changing. Innovations
are taking place from the development of physical product to software tools
that help manage the entire process. Tech companies are providing innovative
cloud platforms to help fashion businesses to better manage information both
internally and with their supply chain. Virtual 3-D tools are now a reality
where virtual sample prototypes can be created that reduce time & cost in
physical sample development. Innovations around industrial equipment are
enhancing efficiencies and quality of end products. Interesting innovations are
even taking place on the consumer side where in-store 3-D body scanners use
lasers to take body measurements of shoppers and suggest items that will be a
good "fit". Crowd sourced designing where end customers design and
vote on designs they like telling fashion producers what to develop. Exciting
innovations are constant and taking place at all levels of the industry. All
these innovations finally empower the end consumer with higher quality
products, better prices and a lot more choice.
The challenges we face as
a Cloud Computing Software provider to the fashion industry is educating the
market on the use of technology and resistance to change. The apparel industry
is undergoing a transformation in their understanding of how to effectively use
information technology and leverage the Internet. Companies have started to
think about new ways to improve their business. Companies that have been
running their business in a particular way for years find it difficult to
change their way of working. People fear change and we're helping the industry
understand that embracing change and technology is what will enable them to
become competitive and profitable.
Published on: 05/10/2012
DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of