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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

Mustafa Yilmaz
Mustafa Yilmaz
General Manager
Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayii AS [Akkök Group]

Leading acrylic fibre producer


“The world’s largest acrylic fiber producer operating at a single plant, Aksa increased its market share in 2006. Production continued at full capacity in 2006 and sales and revenue targets were exceeded” Fibre2fashion extends its heartiest compliments for this! Can you trace your company roots to this success?

To be able to create customer loyalty and to let them to be confident about their future with the existence of AKSA.

Raw materials are greatly affected by inflationary trends. What are its ramifications, and at your company level, what all strategies will help you to maintain market competitiveness?

Raw materials are now more difficult to find and more expensive to buy. That situation also pushes our sales prices up and puts pressure on our customers. Our strategies are based on developing new fibers, entering niche markets, and always improve our technology.

Environment is the buzz word and how is your Group positioned on this issue?

(Responsible Care is a 'voluntary commitment' signed by companies working in the chemical industry field. These companies promise to give maximum attention to environmental, health and safety issue)

AKSA was one of the first companies in Turkey to adopt the Responsible Care principles and implement the ideas as it signed the "Responsible Care" Commitment on February 11th, 1993.

(AKSA's objective is to comply fully with the requirements of their Responsible Care Commitment. These activities include: monitoring and preventing potential negative affects on the environment, examining health and safety practices, identifying potential problems, sharing information and paying maximum attention to all issues involved.)

AKSA has been recognized as one of best companies that has followed through with the implementation of Responsible Care Commitment philosophy. As AKSA has complied with all Responsible Care Commitment principles, it has been awarded by three Responsible Care Awards from the Turkish Chemical Industry Council [TKSD] in 1995 and 1999.

Besides three awards AKSA is the first company in Turkey which had an 'Responsible Care Management system' audit ( in 2006 from SGS – England ) and has the 'Responsible Care Management system' certificate.

Within the objectives of establishing a continuous system, clarifying our environmental culture, and in cooperation with the TSE [Institute of Turkish Standards] after the auditing schedules, AKSA has earned the right of being certified by TSE for TSE-EN-ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in 1997. At the completion of the first three years, the ISO 14001 certificate had been renewed by TSE in 2000; 2003 and 2006. Since 2002, AKSA performed 'zero non-corformance' success from the yearly external audits.

(AKSA is a leading company in the Chemical Industry in meeting the requirements of ISO 14001, currently has an environmental policy established according to the requirements of EMS. AKSA's activities, therefore, are guided and reflective in nature; initiatives, approaches and objectives continue to address environmental concerns.)

How does AKKOK Group serve various sectors of textile industry?

Apart from the quality of products and after sales service, the customized service policy for every customer enables AKSA to serve many sectors of the industry with a very wide product portfolio. The production flexibility has already been designed for this purpose.

Please comment on the current world fibre market in view of the volatile petroleum prices and how is Turkey positioned in it all?

Synthetic fibers are affected by the raising oil prices. Some got affected more and some, (like polyester) due to its nature of production, less. Natural fibers also suffer both because of the global warming and extensive land usage for bio-fuels. Turkey is affected by the global changes like anywhere else.

Inheriting the strategies of Akkök Group, how do you look at your textiles division shaping up for the coming decade?

We look forward to increase the portion of speciality products in portfolio.

Recently your company introduced Carbon Fibre. What are its market prospects and possibilities?

AKSA aims to add this product to its business area and targets to have at least over 10 percent market share. By achieving this goal, AKSA also will serve to the country by introducing this niche product and its promising downstream applications.

Can you explain the challenges faced by European synthetic fibre industry players today?

The main challenge is the price war to keep the market share under the shrinking condition on demand for the time being.

Published on: 05/11/2007

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.