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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

Mr Suresh J Patel
Mr Suresh J Patel
Bodal Chemicals Ltd


Mr Patel, in your words, how will you describe about your group’s presence in Textile Chemicals?

After 2007 Bodal is emerging as Global player in Dyes and Dyes Intermediates. Bodal is the only company which has three phases of value additions from Basic Chemicals to Wide range of Dyes Intermediates to Dyestuffs. Bodal is one of the biggest dyes player in India and around the world. We supply our dyes to textiles industries throughout the world.

Is this industry performing well in India and world over?

Definitely industry is performing very well in India and world over. Last decade was marked with major happenings. India and China both have tremendous growth in Textile, Leather and Chemicals. Both India and China enjoy more than 60% share of the world market and it is continuously increasing. Manufacturing of dyes has transferred to India and China from western countries in last few years. Indian dyes industry is growing at around 10% annually.

What is the organized business size in global context? What is India’s share?

Organized business size is approximately USD 10 to 12 Billion including Dyes, Dyes Intermediates, pigments and Ink. India's share is approximately 20 to 25%.

What are some real time challenges confronted by Dyes/Intermediate industry in India?

There are no real time challenges. I believe, to grow and develop systematically in global manner is something that is need of time for industry.

Dye being one of the pollutant chemical to environment, in terms of social compliances and its regulations, what concerns would you voice as dye maker?

Pollution matter was a concern earlier. But if you see in the last decade industry has done a lot on Environment front and it is continuous process to improve. Bodal as a responsible corporate identity towards mother planet and its live stock, would continue to encourage positive steps towards better environment.

Can you also share more about your newly launched REACTIVE DYE BODACTIVE?

We see "Boda Active" - by implementing "Nano Technology" norms, will emerge as Brand Name.

What are your comments on your recently announced quarterly results?

Our latest quarter has done really well. Sales were about 146 crores and profit was 5 crore. Both have gone up compared to previous quarter and same quarter previous year.


Published on: 22/11/2010

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.