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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

Mr Hikmet Tanriverdi
Mr Hikmet Tanriverdi
iNCi Group


iNCi – meaning the pearl, sounds interesting! And the written spelling of your company name that starts and ends with small ‘i’- we believe, suggests some philosophy behind. Is it so?

Well said, that is why, we named our company so. Inci - the Pearl has an underneath meaning of pureness. The philosophy, behind small ‘i’s - placed at the same level with the other letters in the word iNCi, is to represent that we are at the same closeness to all our clients by not categorizing any of them with their capacity and volume of their business. We are pure, straight and open to all the companies in our sector by giving them the same service.

Since last 2-3 decades the Turkish textile industry has taken a great leap forward making a name for it-self in markets worldwide. What would you like to say on iNCi‘s role and performance in this move being an active player in textiles for the past 33 years?

You are right! We have made a great leap forward. In this industry, as iNCi, we have discharged our duty well by playing major role in getting adapted to the ever changing needs of the market. This is possible only by leading the partnership with the spirit of team work. It is known fact that ready made garments industry does not consist only ‘cut and sew’. In the process- starting from the cotton in the field till the product ready in the shops, a vital role is to be played by various other sectors like fabrics, trims and accessories etc too. So every sector has the responsibility to be a good player. We were one of them, for iNCi has done a good job to cooperate and serve the industry by following updated needs in the market and being a flexible partner as ancillary industrialist.

Amongst your vast range of products, Zippers & Fasteners is the industry that your group began the business initially with. What is iNCi’s market share in it, domestically and internationally? How do you see current trends and future of this industry?

We count our share as half: half, but even though this half share of domestic market, at the end, serves to the export companies. Our products quality is able to compete with main international brands with better price advantage. Being domestic brand, it is not that easy to vie international brands and get accredited in main chain stores. In spite of the situation, with never giving up spirit, to be competitive, we have made an agreement with IDEAL, and got their rights in Turkey as well as all Mediterranean. We believe that we are updated with the current trends.

For future potential, I will say: this industry will be needed always until the ready made garment industry ends not.

Global Cotton industry is embroiled into issues like scarce production and obvious high prices. As a denim manufacturer, how do you envisage its resultants affecting denim industry?

I believe that denim industry will surely be affected with the rise of cotton prices caused from the scarce production. However, trend & popularity of this commodity keeps on increasing amongst the final consumer. So, there will be still a big demand for denim in future.

Over 2million visitors and members of our portal Fibre2Fashion would like to know from you a brief on ‘Turquality’ project by Turkish Government? In your views, how successful has it been to fulfill its rationale? How far is iNCi benefited from it?

Turkey started Textile Industry, as CMT, even as CM business. From there, we have improved ourselves together with our all ancillary industries to give full package service including designs. As a next step after this improvement, our aim should be increasing our potential by worldwide Turkish brands. So, Turquality project was taken up to fulfill this aim. The project is successful so far, and it will continue going forward. Definitely, our group will be benefited as well as all allied sectors thereon when we have brands known worldwide.

In your dialogue with local news publication you have mentioned that China, though being a threat to Turkey, can in fact be an opportunity for Turkish companies. Can you please explain how?

I mentioned this in my dialogues, by this I wanted to re-point out, where the Turkish ready made garment industry’s know-how has come to.

China is a threat to Turkey with the price levels, but inspite of this, with our close location advantage to Europe, we have the opportunity to give quick deliveries with high quality fashion in small quantities. To compete in price range is difficult but we can compete with the mentioned advantages. Today’s highly fashion conscious consumer needs fashion items that follow the changing trends. We have the know-how and flexibility to make short lead timed production. Main chain stores, in order to be more fashionable and competitive in their own markets, have changed their policy from ordering big volumes to be stored in their warehouses and selling them in extended time span. This is big advantage for us whereas in China they still need to give long term orders with big quantities.

Ecology preservation is prime concern for everyone. The preferences for ecologic products are surging. Which products do you offer in this line?

This is also our concern as everyone. I used to be the president of Trims Association and still follow their studies. As I mentioned before, we are updated with current needs and concerns which makes us sensitive to follow and work on worldwide investigations. At iNCi, we have many ecologic products to offer: in buttons, we have products made of Corozo, Shell, Horn and in textile our major fabrics are made up of natural fibres like cotton, wool, organic cotton usage.

Any plans on further expansion into Garment and Retail or any other you may wish to share with our global audience?

I want to share with your global audience, is that Garment and Retail business will never end since everyone need to be dressed up…Only the way of playing this game will be changed. If we plan our future strategies for 10/15 years forward and fulfill in a correct way, then we will definitely gain…

I thank you for your kind interest and wish Good Luck to all..


Published on: 25/08/2008

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.