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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

Giulio Bonazzi
Giulio Bonazzi
President & CEO
Aquafil- Gruppo Bonazzi

70% of our total sales volumes in 2009 was achieved in Europe


Sir please tell us, how is world market of manmade fibres behaving these days?

Manmade fibers consumption is generally increasing in the daily life due to the combination of easy care, high performances, durability and the affordable price the MMF goods have in the poor countries.

So, who all are potential client countries for your line of operations? Whom do you regard established markets?

Asia Pacific and China represent the biggest growth potential for Aquafil operations: in order to offer those marketplaces the proper service and products, we have already invested (and still are investing) considerable resources in those areas (operations in Thailand since July 2007; operations in China starting Q2/2010). EU and US are well established markets.

Industry that you deal in has huge competition, locally and internationally too. What makes Aquafil stand leader and grab a chunk of business share?

Excellent service, great flexibility, tailor-made products for individual customers, reasonable pricing and strong commitment to innovation. In short: close partnership with our customers.

AQUAFIL is a European leader in fibres for carpeted floors. We request you to throw some light on on-goings in this carpet industry; its market size – your share, current trends and movements in global context?

The European production of tufted carpets for textile floor covering accounts approx 500 million square metres, out of which approx 230 million are made of nylon BCF- the type of yarn which Aquafil produces. With a market share of over 35% we are definitely the European market leaders in this industry. Seventy percent of our total sales volumes 2009 was achieved in Europe, which is still now our most important market, although total consumption is rather shrinking than expanding. The challenge for the next future is to consolidate our presence in Europe and possibly expand our market share here through the introduction of innovative new products, but at the same time to exploit the growth potential of the overseas markets (USA, Asia Pacific, China) for a real volume expansion.

We are traditionally focused on valuable yarns of high technological and stylish content which we sell to the contract market (55% of our total sales = corporate, office building, education, healthcare), the top-end residential market (26%) and the automotive industry (16%).

Is R&D division at Aquafil preparing itself to capture nascent and lucrative industry of non-conventional textiles (technical textiles)?

Yes, our R&D division is a real mainstay in our organization and we are consistently committed to significant investments in this sector, in terms of both financial and human resources to the purpose of investigating new opportunities and engineering new products.

Please also tell us about adherence to environmental concern policies at Aquafil.

As explained in our Sustainability report, Aquafil has established a very serious and strong sustainability policy on the following environmental themes: CO2 emissions, wastes, water and energy. Since 2007 we started to collect data about the a.m. issues and we decided how to proceed to improve our engagement toward sustainability. To better follow our daily engagements in 2008 we established a new business unit, named Energy& Recycling, with the following mission:

To promote the use of law impact or renewable energies

To promote the recycle

To divulge the culture of sustainability inside and outside the Group.


Published on: 22/03/2010

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.