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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

Mr S Golam Shibly Nomany
Mr S Golam Shibly Nomany
Natural Group

Denim segment is growing fast. More analysis and innovation will help to grow..


Mr Nomany, Face2Face is glad to host this business talk. Your Group has seen 15 years in the Bangladesh textile sector. How has this journey so far been, and what goal the group heads for years to come?

It is a pleasure for me too!

In fact, we have been stepping ahead with our strategies steadily so that no mistake can hinder our policy. Yes, it has yielded good result and supported to go ahead with very constructive decision to reach the goal and we have been able to achieve it. All those previous experiences will help us to move the step ahead to achieve more to make the journey a result oriented.

Amongst these accrued experiences, as a torchbearer for the company, which remains as the golden strategy for good growth?

We should analyze more about those who are already at the top to learn and earn more technologies and policies to make our strategy a perfect one to reach to the peak.

Your views on current global RMG sector are-

It is prospective.

Natural Group deals into denim. Tell us how this segment is faring in Bangladesh?

Denim segment is growing fast. More analysis and innovation will help to grow by leaps and bounds in the days to come.

Indian Cotton yarn is withheld to be exported elsewhere. What all woes has this added to miseries of producers like your group?

In fact, we are not the fabric mill but withheld export of cotton yarn to Bangladesh reflects bad impression to the fabric mills and in turn, we are affected seriously as a garment’s maker because situation compels us to buy the fabrics at a very high price.

Turning a glance to your Sweater wing; it has been major market for your group, can you describe its current performance?

Sweater business is prospective. Buyers are interested to place orders with us. Order quantities are increasing day by day in Bangladesh.

Where from you import your raw materials?

Locally, China, Taiwan, India.

As a textile group, would you like to bring out about the difficulties that textile companies are going through and seek policy makers’ intervention on it?

Support of the raw materials is essentially required to run the mills smoothly. Now a day’s unpredicted increased of the yarn price in the world market has caused a severe problem.


Published on: 28/03/2011

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.