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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

Michael Janecke
Michael Janecke
Director (brand management) - Technical Textiles & Textile Processing

More and more countries will go into technical textiles


How do you rate the pace of growth in the Indian technical textiles market?

It can always be faster but we need to consider the fact that the Indian technical textile industry started just 10 years back. If you see the improvements, the situation is quite positive. The big issue is research and development. We have centres of excellence in India. But the question is, how fast can the development in research be brought to the market? There is room for improvement and speed. From the winds, I think more and more countries will get into technical textiles. I don’t know by what time it will happen. It could be in five years or 10 years or more. But from experience, it can be said that technical textiles are growing.

What are the other requirements for technical textiles to grow?

Markets like China, who wish to grow in technical textiles, have to grow in technology first. Markets like India, Bangladesh and Pakistan are famous for traditional textiles and home textiles.

Is there a lot of room for investments in segments like geo textiles?

Geo textiles, by law, have to be used by the government.

The United States of America is going through a recovery phase. Please share some information on that market.

We have had a number of visitors from the United States of America. The industry is growing and developing. Companies are buying and investing. From that point of view, we are very optimistic about growing in this market through our shows. As of now, it looks very good. We also have China, where we will hold shows. China is still a big market.

China is experiencing a reduction in growth, but still it is a big market, isn't it?

There is 70 per cent growth in the markets of China. But it is too little compared to developed countries since growth rate is still in double digits only. Nevertheless, China can boast of big consumption and big producers.

Is Bangladesh a growing market in view of the rise in exports?

Bangladesh is a country which can produce garments, so there is immense scope for sourcing.

What about Indonesia?

We bring Indonesian people to our platform. In future, I think there will be more and more practice beyond the traditional areas of textiles, like in technical textiles. History tells us that companies stay in the existing markets as long as the markets are satisfying. After that, they look at other options like technical textiles.

Published on: 23/02/2016

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