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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

Mr Juan Carlos Escribano
Mr Juan Carlos Escribano
Grupo Cortefiel


1,593 points of sale in 57 countries, huge presence indeed! What all values have worked success for Grupo Cortefiel?

a) Focus

b) Execution

c) Passion & Fashion

In this span of over one century’s existence, where do you see RMG industry transforming at, besides changing fashions?

Retailers have to go more to a “total buying experience” instead of selling only garments. In the buying experience all parts have a place, on-line, physical shops, social networks, etc.

What would be your summation on Retail world these days?

Most importantly: “have your own voice or point of view” as there are too many similar concepts around.

Conventional belief prevails that a great retail brand must present one face to the world. How about the importance of tailoring a product’s image to each national market?

If you need to express a “unique voice” you need to tailor fit a bit as there has to be a frame but you can have different intensity of colours.

Is Lingerie at Grupo Cortefiel a business exclusively attended and not a part of just a garment making?

For sure, it is very complicated, it is really a science more than a business it is even more than “total shopping experience”.

Lean Management, Fast Fashion, and Sustainable business- these concepts have become integral part of fashion clothing business today. What is your say?

Yes, yes, yes!

Lean Management: as for yourself, in Lean Management you have to maintain yourself fit.

Fast Fashion: always needed it if you want to meet the market.

Sustainable business: As a big group we have a responsibility and we need to accomplish it.

Grupo Cortefiel has been a pioneer of online shopping in Spain. What level of significance this e-commerce strategy counts in your strategic agendas?

Very strategic, it is already a new change in the way customers approach their needs, I foresee a big growth in the coming years.


Published on: 23/08/2010

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.