Ally Fashion, continuing on 18-months of digital focus, makes critical steps to revolutionise customer journeys by creating a totally unique experience for each visitor. Going beyond rules-based personalisation, Ally Fashion is putting breakout e-commerce AI leader, Particular Audience, to the test. Ally Fashion creates fashionable and affordable clothing.
Particular Audience provides a unique platform capable of adapting every product list on an e-commerce site from search results to merchandise pages and product recommendations - every product tile becomes dynamic to shopper intent and preference. Previously cumbersome and manual tasks like merchandising are automated by Particular Audience using machine learning, according to press release by Particular Audience.Ally Fashion, continuing on 18-months of digital focus, makes critical steps to revolutionise customer journeys by creating a totally unique experience for each visitor. Going beyond rules-based personalisation, Ally Fashion is putting breakout e-commerce AI leader, Particular Audience, to the test. Ally Fashion creates fashionable and affordable clothing.#
Alina Timofeeva, Ally Fashion’s head of e-commerce, has been leading their digital advancement, to be at the forefront of digital both in Australia and internationally. She has partnered with Particular Audience to add a dynamic AI layer on top of their e-commerce platform.
“Computer vision driven discovery tools on Ally compliment behavioural data and product metadata to infer similarity between items, making for a more human browsing experience. When delivering the latest fashion trends to their global customer base, Ally encounters barriers to item discovery from the cold-start problem, exacerbating long-tail inventory i.e. stock that sells less often. Computer vision is a powerful solution to this without waiting for items to gain popularity to get impressions,” Nielsen Varoy of PA, who heads up the Ally Fashion partnership said.
With the COVID accelerated, digital first shift in retail, businesses like Ally Fashion with large physical footprints are investing online. Particular Audience is headquartered in Sydney with offices in Vancouver and London. Particular Audience operates SaaS technologies for retailers and retail technologies for consumers under the brand
Fibre2Fashion News Desk (GK)