Lakshmi Machine Works Limited
To enhance customer satisfaction and our image globally and achieve expontial growth to leadership through world class products and service.

Message from Top Management

As per recent statistics the Global Textile Trade is expected to grow at the rate of 6.60% per annum over the next few years to reach a market size of USD 1,180 billion by the year 2020. It is notable that within the Textile Value Chain, fibre trade has witnessed the highest growth rate followed by the growth in apparels and made-ups. This trend is expected to continue in future.

While India’s growing population is expanding the absolute size of the domestic market for textile products, growing affluence on account of consistent economic growth is set to increase the domestic per capita consumption of textile products. Additionally, India which currently has a market share of 5% of the total global textile exports is expected to have a share of 8% by 2020. These developments are well reflected in the growth rates recorded by the Indian Textile and Apparel companies and augur well for future prospects.

About Company

Lakshmi Machine Works was founded in 1962 by Cavalier Dr. GK Devarajulu based on a practical business model of offering indigenous end to end world class technology solutions to the Indian Spinning Industry. From inception, LMW has always been at the forefront in offering innovation, technology and value in its products. This has resulted in LMW gaining brand recognition globally. LMW today caters to around 60% of India’s demand for textile machinery and has emerged as a leader in the export of textile machinery from the country.

In India, LMW’s textile machinery manufacturing happens at three locations within Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. In 2008, the company has established LMW Textile Machinery (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary which caters to the spinning equipment needs of the Chinese textile industry.

At LMW, machines are innovated to meet the specific requirements of the end user. Generally one can expect the following features from a LMW product:

  • Space saving through leaner range of textile equipment
  • Power saving through energy conservation drives
  • Manpower saving through automation
  • Robust customer after sale support
  • Quicker ROI that improves end user’s financial strength


At LMW, “Value Creation is a Journey and Not a Destination”. The product development has earmarked to develop lean and intelligent machines that can deliver superior products with consistent quality. The machines are designed with contemporary technologies and automations to render the customers to achieve better value propositions.

LMW will showcase its latest innovations in each of its sub systems at ITMA 2015 namely,

  • Card Sliver System comprising Blowroom & Cards
  • Combing System comprising non Autoleveler Drawframe, Lap former, Comber and Autoleveler Drawframe
  • Ring Spinning System comprising Speed frame, Ring Spinning and Compact Spinning

The Technological advantages that the above machinery offers to the customer are;

Leaner range of Textile Equipment
With land becoming expensive spinning mills face the prospect of having to invest huge sum of money while setting up production facilities. To address this specific concern, LMW has responded with products that not only offer higher productivity but also occupy a lower floor space.

Energy Conservation
Power cost occupies an important role in a spinning mill’s cost structure. LMW’s machines are equipped with the most modern electrical & electronic drives that consume minimum power and helps in power savings and are also eco-friendly thereby directly contributing to the savings and profitability.

Scarcity of labour has become a major existential issue of Indian Mills and LMW has continuously focussed its efforts on making “Intelligent machines” that reduce dependence on manual intervention. LMW offers a portfolio of automated machines that aim at rationalisation of manpower.

Customer Support Solution
Besides having a strong marketing presence across India, LMW is equally present across the globe. Apart from sales, LMW also offers end to end solutions like after sales support, customer training, spare parts support and project consultancy.

Financial Strength
LMW’s products are equipped with better productivity and automation that deliver quicker Return on Investment to the customer. With a LMW machine customer can expect more savings on the investment employed on project cost.

Contact Us

Lakshmi Machine Works Limited

Regd.Office: Perianaickenpalayam,
Coimbatore - 641 020

Phone: +91-422-3022255
Fax: +91-422-2692541


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