Global Textile and Apparel Market Size: Historical Trends and Forecast

This section gives the user a detailed view of the market size for the current year, historical trends and forecast for the next 4-5 years. The market size is estimated in terms of retail and production side market. The overall estimated markets are further bifurcated into different segmentations based on market regions, countries, categories, product types and others. Different charts are provided for better understanding of the data.

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  • Please register with your business email only.
  • Trial access period will be allowed for 3 days for both modules combined - Textile & Apparel as well as Technical Textiles
  • You shall be notified on your registered email once the trial is activated

Global Apparel Market Share Analysis

The global apparel retail market was estimated to be $1.5 trillion. USA had the highest market share of 22.2% followed by China, Japan, Germany, and India with share of 18.7%, 5.4%, 3.6%, and 3.5% respectively. Among all the countries, China and India are estimated to grow fastest with a CAGR of 7% and 8.5% respectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How frequently is the Market Size module updated?

    This module is updated on a yearly basis.

  • Is market size estimated for retail or production?

    The market size estimations are available both for the retail and product markets.

  • What is the historical data available?

    The historical data is available for last 3-4 years.

  • What is the forecast horizon?

    The forecast is available for next five years.