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Interview with Emir Öztürk

Emir Öztürk
Emir Öztürk
Partner & New Business Development Director
Abiteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S
Abiteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S

We maintain an active dialogue with our suppliers
Abiteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş is a distinguished sourcing company and textile agency with over 38 years of expertise in fashion sourcing. Committed to innovation, technology, and operational excellence, the company strives to deliver unparalleled service and value to customers through constant improvement, sustainable practices, and by fostering an ecosystem of change within the supply chain. In an interview with Fibre2Fashion, Partner & New Business Development Director Emir Öztürk discusses fashion sourcing at scale.

What are the emerging trends in fashion sourcing, particularly in relation to man-made fibres and technical textiles, and how are they shaping the industry’s future?

The landscape of fashion sourcing, particularly in the realms of man-made fibres and technical textiles, is witnessing steady growth, with innovation being a key driver in both domains. The innovation in man-made fibres is significantly contributing to advancements in areas such as activewear, where the demand for performance-oriented fabrics is high. These fabrics, developed through sophisticated chemical engineering processes, are enhancing the functionality and aesthetic appeal of activewear, making it suitable for a wider range of activities and conditions.
On the other side, natural fibres are not being left behind in the innovation race. There is a noticeable improvement in the texture and quality of natural fabrics, with finer and more luxurious variants being developed. These advancements are not only enhancing the tactile qualities and aesthetics of natural fabrics but also their performance characteristics when blended with other fibres.
One of the most interesting aspects of these innovations is the focus on sustainability and ethical sourcing. As public awareness and demand for ethical practices increase, there is a push towards sourcing both man-made and natural fibres more sustainably without compromising on quality. This involves extensive R&D efforts to find more environmentally friendly production methods and materials.

How has the rise of digital technology and e-commerce impacted the traditional fashion sourcing model, and what new opportunities has it created?

The rise of digital technology and e-commerce has significantly transformed the traditional fashion sourcing model, primarily by shortening lead times. The current landscape allows for testing the market with limited quantities initially and, if demand is confirmed, proceeding with larger scale repeat orders. This approach necessitates the ability to source fabrics swiftly and requires establishing robust partnerships with fabric suppliers to ensure materials can be allocated quickly for production.
Moreover, the necessity to adapt to diminishing lead times means that sourcing partners must be agile, capable of reacting promptly to market demands. This has led to a closer collaboration between brands and their sourcing partners, ensuring that the sourcing process can keep pace with the fast-moving e-commerce environment.
Another opportunity arising from the shift towards digital and e-commerce is leveraging geographic advantages. Turkiye, in particular, benefits from its proximity to the European market, offering a ‘nearshoring’ advantage that allows for quicker turnaround times and more flexible supply chain solutions. This geographical benefit is increasingly important in the e-commerce era, where speed to market can be a significant competitive advantage.

How do geopolitical events and trade policies affect global fashion sourcing strategies, and how can companies adapt to these changes?

Geopolitical events and trade policies play a significant role in shaping global fashion sourcing strategies. Given the current global landscape, which includes a myriad of challenges ranging from disruptions in major shipping routes like the Suez Canal to tensions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, companies must adopt a preparedness mindset to navigate these uncertainties.
The key to adapting to such changes lies in flexibility and diversification. Fashion companies should not rely solely on one region or supplier but rather spread their sourcing to mitigate risks associated with geopolitical instabilities or sudden shifts in trade policies. This approach includes having contingency plans, such as alternative supply chain routes and backup suppliers, to ensure continuity in operations despite unforeseen global events.
Moreover, staying informed and agile allows companies to quickly respond to changes in tariffs, trade agreements, and geopolitical tensions that could affect sourcing costs and lead times. By adopting a proactive and strategic approach to sourcing, companies can better manage the complexities of the global market and maintain a competitive edge despite the ever-changing geopolitical landscape.

What inspired the founding of Abiteks, and how has the company evolved over the past 38 years in the fashion sourcing industry?

Abiteks was founded on the vision of leveraging Turkiye’s emerging status as a textile powerhouse, inspired by the country’s growing capabilities in quality, flexibility, and service in the fashion sourcing industry. Despite the founders, both university graduates in fields far removed from textiles—one in physics and the other in tourism—having no direct background in the sector, their professional involvement in textiles led them to acquire the company. Initially starting with just one employee, their entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to providing excellent service have seen Abiteks evolve into a thriving business with a team of 70 people over the past 38 years. This journey reflects a profound transformation from modest beginnings to becoming a key player in the global fashion sourcing landscape.

What are the key factors to consider when selecting a fashion sourcing partner to ensure both quality and ethical practices are met?

When selecting a fashion sourcing partner, several key factors are paramount. Firstly, having a robust social compliance department is crucial. At Abiteks, we maintain an active dialogue with our suppliers—who are our manufacturing partners—to ensure a unified approach towards producing high-quality products. This involves close collaboration and essentially acting as one entity to address any potential issues, not just limited to sustainability or social compliance, but also encompassing quality control, delivery culture, and other aspects critical to the production process.
The selection process itself is vital, but it goes beyond merely choosing suppliers who are initially prepared. It is about identifying those who demonstrate a clear commitment from their top management towards achieving specific goals or expanding into new markets. For example, if a supplier is keen on expanding from Germany to the UK and we are targeting the UK market, then it becomes a strategic investment for us to work closely with them, investing in mutual growth and ensuring strict adherence to quality control and ethical practices.

How does Abiteks distinguish itself in the textile industry, particularly in terms of managing large-scale production and ensuring quality control?

Abiteks differentiates itself in the textile industry by its ability to deliver high-quality products and exceptional service on a large scale, managing the production and quality control of upwards of 4 to 5 million pieces. This capability sets us apart, especially as increasing volumes typically complicate supply chain management, product supervision, and consistency in quality control, often leading to challenges in information flow, support, and adherence to delivery dates.

How does Abiteks leverage innovation and technology to drive operational excellence in the textile industry?

At the heart of Abiteks’ success is a steadfast commitment to innovation, which is crucial given the company’s role as a service provider rather than a manufacturer. Abiteks effectively acts as an outsourced buying department for brands, managing and facilitating production across various product groups. This approach requires a continuous pursuit of innovation in services, processes, and the adoption of new technologies.
The company tailors its innovative strategies to meet the diverse needs of brands, whether they lean towards traditional methods or are more technologically and innovation-driven. This includes innovation in fabric selection, dyeing techniques, chemical usage, production methods, and supply chain management, ensuring that every client’s unique demands for novelty and efficiency are met. Consequently, Abiteks’ focus on innovation not only enhances its service offering but also ensures it remains a vital link in the fashion industry’s evolving and dynamic supply chain.

In what ways do you engage with new trends, fabrics, and technologies to stay ahead in the market?

We stay ahead in the market by proactively engaging with new trends, fabrics, and technologies through our dedicated in-house creativity department. This department comprises designers and fabric technologists whose sole responsibility is to monitor and identify emerging trends and innovations in the textile industry. Their goal is to seamlessly integrate these new discoveries into Abiteks’ existing offerings and to inform and inspire the company’s customers and projects in the pipeline. This strategic focus ensures that Abiteks not only remains at the forefront of the fashion sourcing industry but also continues to provide value-added services to its clients by offering the latest in design and material innovation.

Could you discuss the challenges Abiteks faces in the global textile market and how you overcome them?

Abiteks faces a multitude of challenges in the global textile market, which stem from various factors including the complexities within Turkiye, as well as global supply chain variations and logistical hurdles. These challenges are multifaceted and require constant attention and management to mitigate their impact on our business objectives.
Our approach to overcoming these challenges is centred on flexibility and agility. We strive to adapt swiftly and devise innovative solutions for any obstacle that arises. This adaptability is crucial in navigating the ever-changing landscape of the global textile industry.
Experience plays a pivotal role in our capacity to manage these challenges effectively. Our company benefits from a deeply experienced team, with a significant number of employees boasting over a decade of service. This longevity within the company not only fosters a sustainable working environment but also equips our team with the knowledge and expertise to navigate the industry’s fluctuations successfully. Employees who have been with us for five years are considered newcomers, highlighting the extensive experience and stability within our workforce. This depth of experience is a key asset in our ongoing efforts to address the dynamic challenges of the global textile market.

What role does your R&D team play in product development, and how does it contribute to trend forecasting in the textile industry?

Our R&D team plays a crucial role in product development and trend forecasting within the textile industry. It acts as a vital link in integrating emerging trends into our brand strategies, ensuring that we cater to a wide spectrum of brands, from early innovators to more mainstream names. The process involves identifying new trends at their inception and determining the right timing for adoption to maximise commercial value for our clients.
Essentially, our R&D team serves as a system integrator for our brand partners. This means that the team actively monitors the market for emerging trends and innovations. If a new trend is identified but deemed too early for a particular customer, we hold off on recommending immediate adoption. However, our primary objective is to effectively anticipate and communicate these trends to our clients at the optimal moment, ensuring they can capitalise on them to create commercial value. This proactive approach in trend forecasting and product development allows our clients to stay ahead in the highly competitive textile market.

Looking towards the future, what are Abiteks’ plans for innovation and growth in the textile industry, and how do you plan to continue delivering value to your customers?

Looking forward, Abiteks is poised to continue its trajectory of innovation and growth within the textile industry. Our strategy is clear-cut: we are actively engaging in R&D projects with about 10 to 15 raw material partners with whom we work closely. These projects are not only customer-oriented but also designed to pave new paths and deepen relationships with our existing clients.
Our approach is proactive; we do not wait for new projects to be brought to us. Instead, we integrate our innovative developments into our customer offerings, experimenting with different chemical usages and exploring new R&D avenues. This process is inherently time-consuming and requires significant investment, of which we are a contributing part. While not all initiatives may directly result in immediate value, they are crucial components of our service commitment.
By undertaking these R&D projects, we aim to continually introduce novel solutions and advancements that will benefit our customers, reinforcing our role as a key player in the textile industry’s future innovation landscape. Our dedication to R&D is a testament to our commitment to delivering unparalleled value to our clients, ensuring their needs are met with cutting-edge solutions.

Where does Abiteks see itself 5 years down the line?

In five years, Abiteks envisions itself not only maintaining its established reputation for scale sourcing and competitive pricing—attributes we consider foundational to our service—but also significantly advancing our stature as a creative powerhouse within the industry. Our ambition is to excel in combining impeccable delivery with groundbreaking creative thinking, anticipating and fulfilling our customers’ needs even before they arise. This involves a deep understanding and navigation of the complexities within our region and beyond, ensuring we remain the premier solution partner not just for logistical and pricing competencies, but also as a beacon of innovation and creativity in the fashion sourcing sector. Our goal is clear: to be unmatched in our ability to blend operational excellence with creative vision, thereby setting a new benchmark in the industry.
Interviewer: Shilpi Panjabi
Published on: 12/06/2024

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.