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Interview with Kristina Rudzinskaya

Kristina Rudzinskaya
Kristina Rudzinskaya

We are on a mission to revolutionise the posture industry
Etalon, a California-based brand founded by Kristina Rudzinskaya, offers stylish and functional posture apparel designed to address the widespread issue of poor posture. Its flagship product, the FDA-registered Etalon posture bra, caters to women with larger busts, providing support and alignment. Made from sustainable rPET fabric in a women-owned factory, Etalon combines advanced technology with minimalist style, ensuring inclusivity and environmental responsibility. Recognised with the San Francisco Design Week Award, Etalon continues to expand its product line to support diverse needs, making posture improvement both accessible and fashionable. Speaking to Fibre2Fashion, CEO Kristina Rudzinskaya discusses all about posture and the company’s product.

How has the demand for posture correction products evolved over the past few years, and what trends do you foresee in the near future?

The demand for posture correction products has really picked up in recent years, especially with more people working from home and spending hours on screens. Everyone is realising how crucial good posture is for long-term health. There is also a growing trend of people focusing more on taking care of their bodies and overall well-being, which I am really happy about.
Looking ahead, I think we will see more smart wearables that give real-time feedback on posture and a broader array of products catering to diverse needs. This includes specialised options for pregnant women, postpartum moms, and men—areas we are actively exploring at Etalon to ensure inclusivity in our offerings.

How has the rise of remote work influenced the demand for posture correction products, and what opportunities does this present for the industry?

The rise of remote work has really sparked a surge in the demand for posture correction products. When we work from home, it is so easy to fall into habits like slouching or leaning back in our chairs, which can really strain our backs and shoulders over time.
This shift has created a great opportunity for the posture correction industry to step up. We are seeing a lot of new products coming out that are specifically designed for home offices, focusing on better ergonomic support. I think we will see even more innovation in this area. People are realising the importance of taking care of their posture, especially when they spend long hours sitting at a desk. It is about making sure we stay healthy and productive, no matter where we work.

What recent technological advancements have been made in the field of posture correction, and how are they being integrated into new products?

Recently, there have been some incredible technological advancements in the field of posture correction. Modern devices now use a range of technologies to support spinal alignment and minimise the impact of poor posture. We are seeing the rise of wearables like connected back braces, smart clothing, electronically-enabled furniture, and digital trackers. These tools not only encourage correct posture but also record changes in a person’s condition over time.
One of the most exciting developments is the integration of smart technology. New posture correction devices can connect electronically to the wearer, monitoring and tracking their posture. They can even deliver alerts to remind users to straighten up. It is like having a personal posture coach with you all the time.
However, it is important to note that while these devices provide support and relief, they are not cures on their own. They should be used alongside other measures, like exercises and physical therapy, to achieve the best results. At Etalon, we are continuously exploring how to integrate these technologies into our products to offer more comprehensive solutions for our customers.

What strategies are most effective in educating consumers about the importance of good posture and the benefits of posture correction products?

I believe educating people about the importance of good posture starts at a young age, and the best way to teach kids is by setting an example. If you want your kids to develop healthy posture habits, you need to be on top of your own posture too! Simple things like doing back exercises together can be really effective. Also, make small adjustments to their daily routines, like lifting their iPad off their lap and putting it on the table. That way, they are less likely to slouch forward.
For our broader audience, we find that effective promotional campaigns can really drive the message home. By highlighting how poor posture affects overall well-being and can lead to chronic back pain, we aim to show both younger and older generations the tangible benefits of good posture and posture correction products. It is about making people aware of how these small changes can significantly improve their quality of life.

What inspired you to create Etalon, and what vision do you have for the future of the company?

My journey to founding Etalon has been a voyage of discovery and determination. After spending years working in a high-paid tech in San Francisco, I decided to pursue my passion for Pilates and became STOTT certified. It was during my training that I truly grasped how crucial posture is for overall well-being.
In the office environment, I could not help but notice how many people were slouched over their desks all day long. That is when it hit me: there had to be better solutions out there to help people maintain good posture and feel better.
So, I started researching what was already available in the market for posture correction. I was disappointed to find that most existing products were either uncomfortable or looked more like medical devices than something you would want to wear every day. It was frustrating to see such a gap between what was needed and what was available.
One day, I shared my frustrations with a close friend who has been in the startup scene for years. He looked at me and said, “Why don’t you design your own posture corrector? You know your stuff.” Those words really stuck with me. They were the spark that ignited the idea for Etalon.
From that moment on, I was determined to create something different. Something that not only corrected posture but also felt good to wear and helped people feel better in their bodies. That is why, at Etalon, our vision is all about holistic alignment—addressing not just the physical aspects of posture but also the psychological and even spiritual aspects. We are on a mission to revolutionise the posture industry with products that are elegant, effective, and truly make a difference in people’s lives.

Can you elaborate on the development process of the Etalon Posture Bra and the unique challenges you faced?

The development journey of the Etalon Posture Bra has been quite a ride. I started this venture during the pandemic, which presented its own set of obstacles. One of the biggest challenges was the slow turnaround times and the difficulty of solving problems face-to-face. My product designer and I had to ship prototypes back and forth, which was not ideal. We ended up with initial designs that had issues we were not sure how to fix.
On top of that, I had to confront my own lack of experience in sewing. After taking a break, I dove back into product development and attempted to modify prototypes by sewing straps myself. Let’s just say, my sewing skills were definitely a work in progress, and those early prototypes were far from elegant or easy to replicate!
Manufacturing was another uphill battle. Most manufacturers preferred working with larger clients and orders, so convincing them to work with a small startup like ours took persistent effort. For instance, it took us months of persuasion to secure the specific fabric we wanted for our bras.
Networking with medical professionals was also tough. Traditional methods like email and LinkedIn did not quite cut it in this industry. Instead, we had to adapt, relying on face-to-face interactions and phone calls to build meaningful connections and gain insights from experts in orthopaedics and garment construction.
And of course, imposter syndrome was something I grappled with regularly. Starting out in new industries like orthopaedics and fashion made it daunting to speak confidently with potential partners and suppliers. But as the product improved and my confidence grew, I began to overcome these fears and setbacks.

How does the patent-pending strap system in the Etalon Posture Bra work, and what makes it different from other posture correctors on the market?

Instead of just pulling your shoulders back, which can feel restrictive, our design focuses on gently bringing your shoulder blades closer together.
The straps are strategically positioned to encourage natural movement and better alignment. They provide gentle support without the rigid feel of traditional posture correctors. They allow for gradual adjustments, so our customers can find the perfect fit that feels comfortable and supportive throughout the day. This approach not only improves posture over time but also helps you develop a more intuitive sense of how your body should be aligned.

Could you discuss your commitment to sustainability and how Etalon incorporates eco-friendly materials and practices into its products?

Certainly! When we set out to create the Etalon Posture Bra, we were adamant about using eco-friendly materials. That is why we chose rPET, a fabric made from recycled post-consumer plastic bottles. It is not only durable but also helps reduce waste by giving new life to materials that would otherwise end up in landfills.
What’s more, we take pride in partnering with a women-owned factory in Vietnam to manufacture our bras. This partnership not only supports local communities but also aligns with our commitment to ethical production practices.

What specific health benefits do users typically experience from wearing Etalon products, and how quickly can they expect to see results?

The bra is designed to gently pull your shoulders back and bring your shoulder blades closer together, which helps you develop better posture over time. It is like a little reminder to stand up straighter.
Good posture can actually make you feel better overall. People often find that they are more productive and their mental health improves. Plus, there are some surprising perks like reducing a double chin or preventing sagging muscles, which can really make a difference in how you look.
Most people start to notice these changes within a month of regular use. And as you keep wearing it, your body starts to remember that good posture, so the benefits just keep getting better. It is pretty amazing how much your posture can affect both your mind and body.

What kind of feedback have you received from customers, and how has it influenced any changes or improvements to your products?

Customer feedback is like our compass — it guides everything we do. We have learned so much from our amazing customers, and their input has been crucial in making our products even better. One big change we made was expanding the sizing options for our bra. Initially, we did not have as many sizes available, but after hearing from our community, we knew we had to change that. It was all about making sure everyone feels comfortable and supported, no matter their body type.
Every suggestion and comment fuels us to keep improving. It is this ongoing conversation that drives us to create our products better. 

Who is the primary target audience for Etalon products, and how do you engage with and educate your customers about the importance of good posture?

Our primary target audience is women aged 25-55 who struggle with poor posture and are interested in body alignment and overall well-being. These women often experience discomfort in their back, neck, and shoulders due to their sedentary lifestyles or busy schedules. They are proactive about maintaining their health and seek innovative, stylish solutions that seamlessly integrate into their daily routines.
Etalon provides a holistic approach to posture health. Through our educational blog and social media channels, we share valuable insights into the importance of good posture and its impact on physical and mental health. Our content is designed to be informative and practical, offering tips and exercises that our audience can easily incorporate into their lives. In addition, the Etalon Posture Bra helps improve posture over time while promoting a more intuitive sense of body alignment.
To further support our customers, we offer tailored posture guides as part of our comprehensive approach to wellness. Our 21-day posture challenge includes exercises for key body muscles that help keep the body aligned, while our exercising guide with bands features posture-improving exercises. These resources are designed to help our audience develop a sustainable and effective posture improvement routine, ensuring long-term benefits.
This strategy ensures that our audience feels informed and empowered, enabling them to make better choices for their overall health and well-being.

Have you collaborated with any health professionals or organisations to validate and promote your products?

Yes, we have collaborated extensively with health professionals to validate the Etalon bra. As a STOTT-certified Pilates instructor, I personally guided the design and development process. I also sought advice from a Neurosurgery and Orthopaedic Surgery professor to ensure our approach was comprehensive and effective.

What regulatory challenges do you face, and how are you navigating these with respect to posture bras?

FDA: According to the FDA, our posture bras are classified as ‘Orthosis, limb brace’ under regulation 890.3475. This means they are considered Class I medical devices, which are low-risk. Being Class I, they are exempt from 510(k) premarket notification and GMP requirements, so technically, we do not have to go through a rigorous FDA approval process.
However, we know that our customers expect more than just our word – they want to see official FDA registration. To meet these expectations, we registered our devices with the FDA, which officially allows us to market them as medical devices.
HSA/FSA: Interestingly, you can buy sunscreen or pill boxes to organise your pills with your FSA card, but you cannot buy a posture corrector that relieves your pain because posture bras like ours fall into a grey area as they serve a dual purpose: both as a posture corrector and as a regular bra. We have been in touch with SIGIS, the non-profit that advises the IRS on these matters. They told us they cannot recommend our Etalon bra for medical reimbursement yet due to its dual use.
To address this, we partnered with a third-party platform that verifies medical necessity for those wanting to purchase our products using their FSA/HSA cards. This helps ensure that eligible purchases can be made seamlessly.
Quality Standards: Our posture bras are designed with a focus on functionality, and we are dedicated to ensuring that every product that reaches our customers meets the highest quality standards. In addition to adhering to common quality standards such as AQI, we have developed a comprehensive list of quality checks tailored specifically to our product’s unique requirements.
In the first year after our launch, I personally inspected the quality of every product pre-dispatch from the factory, despite there being an initial quality check at the factory itself. This hands-on approach allowed me to identify common issues and design improvements for subsequent products to prevent these issues from recurring. From this experience, I also compiled a list of non-negotiable quality standards that must be met.
Now that we work with a larger manufacturer, I am no longer able to check each item personally. However, my experience from those early days allows me to clearly communicate our quality priorities and non-negotiable standards to our manufacturing partners. In addition to our customised Etalon quality checklist, we employ standard practices such as AQI 2.5 for minor defects and AQI 4.0 for major defects. Our products undergo rigorous testing for functionality, washing, and appearance to ensure they meet our high standards and provide the best possible performance for our customers.

How do you balance functionality and comfort in the design of your posture correction products to ensure they meet the needs of diverse users?

Balancing functionality and comfort in our products is at the core of our design philosophy. As I mentioned earlier, unlike traditional posture correctors that often restrict movement or feel cumbersome, we have focused on creating a product that seamlessly integrates into everyday life. It is not just a piece of functional gear but a versatile garment that women can proudly wear under their favourite outfits without feeling restricted or hidden away.
We understand that everyone’s body and lifestyle are different, so our products offer adjustable features to ensure a personalised fit and maximum comfort. We want our customers to feel good and confident while improving their posture—it is about achieving better posture with joy and ease.

Are there any plans to expand the Etalon product line or enter new markets in the near future?

Absolutely! We are excited about expanding the Etalon product line. We are working on new bras designed specifically for pregnant women and mothers in the postpartum period to help them feel comfortable and supported during this important time. Plus, we are developing a line for men, bringing our innovative posture solutions to a wider audience. These new additions are part of our commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our customers.
Interviewer: Shilpi Panjabi
Published on: 09/07/2024

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.