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Interview with Aanchal Saini

Aanchal Saini
Aanchal Saini

Opting for rental fashion is also an opportunity for self-expression and experimentation
Flyrobe is an India-based premium fashion rental service passionate about sustainable style. Offering an extensive collection, the company provides the luxury of trendy outfits without the environmental impact of fast fashion. Speaking to Fibre2Fashion, Founder Aanchal Saini talks about rental fashion, sustainability and more.

Can you briefly describe the journey and inspiration behind the creation of Flyrobe?

Initially, our venture was named ‘Rent It Bae’ before we acquired Flyrobe. Contrary to many entrepreneurial tales, my journey did not begin from a place of boredom in my legal career. I have a background in law and actively practised it, dealing with matrimonial matters, arbitration, and frequently attending hearings at the Delhi High Court and other civil courts.
The inspiration for a fashion rental business struck me due to an observation from my younger days. During college, borrowing clothes for parties or special occasions was commonplace. But as we grow older and start earning, there is a shift. There is a burgeoning desire to wear new and branded clothes, accompanied by the age-old lament of many women: “My closet is full, yet I have nothing to wear.” The underlying problem was not the lack of clothes but the reluctance to repeat outfits, especially for special events.
This understanding sowed the seeds for our rental fashion business. We initially focused on renting out women’s western outfits and accessories. Recognising India’s vast market potential, we knew reaching a larger audience necessitated an online presence. However, as we navigated the first two years, it became evident that our strategy needed tweaking. While the western wear rental model could cater to a niche group of socially active women, it would not appeal to the broader market. We dabbled in a subscription model but soon realised that the real demand was in the ethnic wear category, which can be quite expensive to purchase. Both men and women actively sought such outfits, especially for occasions like weddings.
Thus, we shifted our focus, expanding into the ethnic category and embracing an omni-channel approach. We understood that many Indian consumers preferred the tactile experience of in-store shopping, especially for significant events like weddings. As Flyrobe evolved, our mission became clear: allow customers to access high-quality, trendy fashion without the associated costs or storage concerns. By renting, customers not only saved money but also contributed positively to the environment by reducing wasteful consumption.
As we approach our tenth year in business, the vision for Flyrobe remains as strong as ever: to redefine the fashion landscape by making sustainable, trendy choices accessible to all.

Flyrobe offers a wide range of clothing categories and brands. How do you curate your collection to cater to diverse customer preferences?

Over the years, understanding customer preferences has been central to our approach. We consistently aim to meet their demands, whether it relates to specific clothing categories, colours, or particular styles. At Flyrobe, we ensure that we are in tune with the latest fashion trends. A significant influence comes from the celebrity sphere; for instance, the styles donned by Alia Bhatt or Kiara Advani at weddings often set the tone for popular demand. Our operation mirrors that of a typical ethnic designer garment business, but with the unique twist of offering rentals.
It is essential to note that just because our customers are renting, it does not imply they will settle for outdated pieces. They are incredibly fashion-conscious. Hence, our inventory always reflects current fashion trends.
Initially, our primary approach involved partnerships with designers. However, to further our commitment to sustainability, we identified an untapped resource: the numerous high-end garments lying unused in people’s wardrobes. This insight led to the inception of our C2C (Customer-to-Customer) model, allowing individuals to rent out their luxury items, such as those from Sabyasachi or Shantanu & Nikhil. This approach not only gives our customers access to premium outfits but also allows item owners to earn from their idle assets. Currently, this model has scaled impressively, boasting over 10,000 selections and counting.

The list of designers and brands available on Flyrobe is extensive. How do you establish partnerships with these designers and maintain those relationships?

Flyrobe operates on a marketplace model, allowing both designers and individual customers to rent out their garments through our platform. For instance, consider a bride who chooses to wear Sabyasachi for her wedding. Once the occasion passes, the dress often lies unused. Recognising this opportunity, she might decide to rent out this high-end attire through Flyrobe. Our technology comes into play here; we provide her with a dashboard to monitor earnings, track rental frequency, and more. Payments are processed monthly, enabling customers to monetise their luxury items.
On the designer front, many choose to collaborate with us for various reasons. Some have expansive sample collections designed primarily for showcases, and not all pieces get sold. Renting out these garments becomes a viable option for them. Additionally, being visible on a platform like Flyrobe, amidst a plethora of renowned brand names, offers them enhanced brand recognition. While they might not engage in direct rentals from their stores, our platform provides them an avenue to tap into the growing rental market. As consumer behaviour evolves, with many opting for rentals alongside purchases, designers recognise the need to maintain a presence in this expanding segment.

How do you ensure the quality and cleanliness of the rental clothing items on your platform?

At the core of Flyrobe’s operations is our dedication to providing customers with hygienic, top-tier garments. While the concept of clothing rental has existed for some time, there have always been concerns about the hygiene and quality standards maintained by various providers.
Flyrobe was conceived with the goal of changing this perception. Our primary objectives are to:
Provide customers with access to premium, designer products at affordable rates.
Uphold the highest standards of hygiene for all our offerings.
A common query we receive is about the additional measures we have adopted in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Interestingly, our hygiene standards were already so stringent that we did not have to make significant adjustments even post-pandemic. This encompasses practices such as maintaining precise ironing temperatures, strictly following dry-cleaning protocols, and conducting meticulous checks and repairs.
Every garment rented out is initially tailored for fit, and upon its return, it undergoes a thorough process: dry-cleaning, inspection for any wear and tear, necessary repairs, and finally, ironing. Only when an item is in impeccable condition does it re-enter our inventory for future rentals.
The establishment of physical Flyrobe stores was also a strategic move to bolster confidence in our patrons. Walking into a Flyrobe outlet, one would not guess it is a rental service. The ambiance and offerings mirror that of a high-end designer store, showcasing an array of styles under one roof.

What initiatives has the company taken to make sustainable and eco-friendly fashion choices more accessible to consumers?

The environmental impact of the fashion industry is staggering. Surprisingly, fashion contributes to pollution more than both the marine and aviation sectors combined. Recognising this immense ecological footprint, Flyrobe has introduced initiatives to foster sustainable fashion consumption.
Central to our sustainable strategy is our C2C (Customer-to-Customer) model. This approach allows us to repurpose and re-rent garments multiple times. In fact, by re-circulating a single item through our platform, we can effectively prevent nine potential new purchases. The environmental implications are profound. For instance, by opting to rent rather than buy, a consumer can save approximately 24,000 litres of water per garment.
To put it in perspective, since our inception, Flyrobe has diverted over 200,000 potential garments from landfills. Additionally, our yearly goal is to conserve around 400 billion litres of water – equivalent to the daily water consumption of a city comparable in size to Spain.
Post-COVID, we have noticed a shift in consumer mindset. People are more conscientious about their living spaces and the items they accumulate. While everyone wants to look their best for special occasions, there is a growing recognition of the environmental and spatial burdens of holding onto extravagant outfits beyond their immediate use. By offering a sustainable alternative, Flyrobe allows its customers to make eco-friendly choices without compromising on style.

What differentiates Flyrobe from other fashion rental platforms in the market?

Flyrobe stands out in the burgeoning fashion rental market in India for several reasons:
Designer Portfolio: A significant differentiator for Flyrobe is our impressive array of high-end designers. Our customers can access luxury brands like Gaurav Gupta, Marwar Couture, a range not commonly offered by many local competitors.
Brand Recognition: Over the past decade, Flyrobe has solidified its reputation in the fashion rental space. Our collaborations with over 400 influencers have significantly amplified our reach. Serving more than 30 cities, we have leveraged the advantages of being an early entrant in this sector.
Expansion and Accessibility: I am heartened to see the proliferation of rental fashion outlets across India, from independent stores to other established brands. Flyrobe is committed to furthering this trend by broadening its physical presence. This expansion is not limited to metropolises like Mumbai and Delhi; we recognise the growing demand in other cities and are keen to make our offerings accessible to a larger audience.
The increasing popularity of rental fashion in India underlines a shift towards sustainable fashion choices, and Flyrobe remains dedicated to leading this movement.

What challenges does the fashion rental industry face in terms of inventory management, logistics, and ensuring the availability of trendy and desirable items?

Running a fashion rental enterprise, especially at the scale of Flyrobe, comes with its unique set of challenges. These range from inventory management and logistics to consistently updating our collection with trendy items.
Inventory Management and Logistics: We were among the first in India to scale substantially in the rental fashion industry. Managing a boutique with a few hundred outfits is one challenge, but handling orders in the range of 400-500 per day requires a robust system backed by advanced technology. In our early days, we often felt we were navigating without a compass since the organised rental fashion model was virtually non-existent.
Trailblazing with No Precedent: When you are pioneering an industry, there is no template to follow. For instance, consider the seemingly minor challenge of ensuring the durability of barcodes on our garments. Given that our products go through multiple rounds of dry cleaning, we found that barcodes would fade after just a few cycles, causing inventory tracking issues. It is a challenge unique to our model – traditional retailers do not need to consider the longevity of barcodes post-sale.
Changing Consumer Mindsets: One of our biggest hurdles has been encouraging consumers to transition from buying to renting. Convincing consumers to shift their mindset is a gradual process, reminiscent of how ride-sharing platforms like Ola and Uber initially introduced luxury rides at very low prices to entice users.
Our journey has been one of learning through trial and error, crafting systems and processes from the ground up. Whether it is managing our storefronts, handling online orders, or streamlining warehouse operations, we have developed a comprehensive system. Patience has been our watchword. While substantial funding is beneficial, the industry demands time to mature and evolve. We always understood that this was not a short-term endeavour but a decade-long commitment.

How do you think will AI, machine learning, and data analytics impact the future of fashion rental, specifically in enhancing recommendations and managing inventory?

AI and related technologies are undeniably playing a transformative role in the fashion rental sector, and at Flyrobe, we are leveraging them extensively.
Automation and Efficiency: A significant portion of our operations now leans on AI, from managing textual content to creating visual creatives. We have integrated modern tools across our platforms, from chat functionalities powered by models like GPT to advanced Excel features and even Canva’s AI-assisted design tools. The days of manual, time-consuming tasks are gradually fading.
Data-Driven Decision Making: Instead of relying on intuition or broad market trends, we depend heavily on our data to make informed decisions. For instance, if we are considering opening a store in Jaipur, our approach is rooted in data. We assess the volume of orders from Jaipur, the popular categories, colour preferences, and more. With this data at our fingertips, setting up a store becomes a methodical process tailored to local preferences.
Enhancing User Experience: AI helps tailor the shopping experience for each user. By analysing browsing habits, purchase histories, and other user-specific data, we can offer personalised recommendations, making the rental process more intuitive and satisfying for our customers.
While AI and machine learning bring efficiency and precision, they are not about replacing the human touch but augmenting it. These technologies empower our team to make more informed decisions and focus on creating an unparalleled user experience. We are confident that as we further integrate these technologies, our alignment with consumer preferences will only deepen.

Are there any plans to expand your services geographically or introduce new features in the near future?

Absolutely! We are in an exciting phase of growth. This year itself, we will be inaugurating three more stores, bringing our total to ten. Our vision for the upcoming year is ambitious – we aim to launch 100 stores. Our decision to expand so aggressively stems from the robust user base we have cultivated over the past eight years across India. A recurring request from our users has been for physical stores, and we are responding by rolling out franchise stores at an accelerated pace.
As for our geographical reach, while this year’s focus remains predominantly on India, we are optimistic about making our international debut by next year.

What advice would you give to individuals who are contemplating renting fashion for the first time through your portal?

Embrace the experience wholeheartedly! Over the last eight years, we have noticed a marked shift in our user demographics and mindset. Initially, our clientele primarily comprised individuals who aspired to wear high-end fashion but were constrained by budgetary concerns. Today, the narrative has evolved. Many of our users are millennials who might not hesitate to spend significantly on experiences, like a night out, but find it imprudent to invest heavily in clothing they might wear just once.
Opting for rental fashion is not just a smart financial move; it is also an opportunity for self-expression and experimentation. Perhaps you have always been intrigued by the idea of donning a fluorescent green lehenga but have reservations about purchasing it. With rental fashion, you can indulge in such whims without long-term commitment. Dive in, try something new, and enjoy the freedom that comes with choice without the burden of ownership.

Could you share some success stories or memorable experiences of customers who have chosen Flyrobe for special occasions?

Certainly! We have had countless memorable moments thanks to our diverse clientele.
One particularly heartwarming story involves a wedding where we catered extensively to NRIs. Often, NRIs plan their outfits for weddings in India well in advance. In one such case, a bride from Paris, of Indian origin, had chosen a gorgeous Sabyasachi ensemble from our collection. What made the occasion even more special was that the groom’s family, who were Europeans, had also chosen their attire from Flyrobe. There was a striking photograph of about 14-15 members from the groom’s side, all decked out in our collection, standing alongside the bride.
Moreover, we have recently introduced the ‘Flyrobe Studio Model’ in many of our stores. This innovative feature allows customers to get professionally photographed right after they have picked their outfits. It is proving to be increasingly popular, as patrons love dressing up and capturing the moment right then and there.
Interestingly, in the past year, we have observed a new trend. Older women, in the age group of 50 and above, have started renting from our stores. It often begins when they accompany younger family members. Drawn by the range of options and the convenience, they too decide to indulge in one-time wear outfits for special occasions. Witnessing this demographic embrace the rental model has been particularly heartening.

Can you share any upcoming initiatives or plans that Flyrobe has in store for its audience?

Yes, there are several exciting developments on the horizon:
Flyrobe Studio: We have recently launched the Flyrobe Studio, which is an in-house photo studio concept. It is designed for individuals who enjoy getting photos clicked for platforms like Instagram. We have recognised that not everyone wants to invest a significant amount for a full-fledged professional photoshoot. Our studio offers affordable packages catering to this need.
Promoting Self-Love: In line with the photo studio’s launch, we are initiating a campaign centred around promoting self-love. It is an invitation for individuals, irrespective of age or gender, to come and celebrate themselves. We believe in celebrating individuality and confidence, and our photo packages aim to capture just that, without the pressure of a formal, high-end photoshoot.
Store Expansions: We are continually broadening our footprint. After recently inaugurating stores in Hyderabad and Bhopal, we are soon going to launch in Jaipur, among other locations.
With these initiatives, we aim to bring a holistic fashion experience to our clientele, where they can not only rent their favourite outfits but also capture memories wearing them.

How does technology and data analytics play a role in the operations and expansion of Flyrobe?

Technology has been pivotal in the scaling and smooth operations of Flyrobe. Our service is designed such that 70 per cent of our users first encounter us online. This digital discovery plays a crucial role in their journey, where they explore our offerings, understand the rental concept, and decide on products of interest. While the initial interaction is digital, the subsequent touchpoint is physical; users typically visit our stores for a tactile experience, to try on and finalise their selections.
The intricate nature of our inventory management would be unfeasible without advanced technology. Unlike traditional retail where products are purchased and sold in bulk, our model revolves around continuous inventory cycling. For example, if we have an existing inventory of 10,000 items and we acquire another 1,000, we are immediately managing an inventory of 11,000 unique items. Furthermore, our system mirrors a hotel booking mechanism from the user’s perspective. When someone reserves an outfit for a specific date, say the 15th of November, we are responsible for ensuring that the chosen item is available and in pristine condition for that date. This becomes even more complex during wedding seasons when multiple customers may book the same item for different dates.
Efficiently handling such intricacies in real-time without technological assistance would be a daunting, if not impossible, task. Thus, our investment in technology and data analytics is not just a strategic choice but an operational imperative. It enables us to deliver on our promises and maintain the high standards our customers expect.

With your experience what advise you would like to give to the new startups who are planning to open rental business?

If you are looking to venture into the rapidly growing rental space, especially in the ethnic garments sector, you are on the right track. This segment has shown promising growth and potential returns. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between the digital and physical realms. While having a strong online presence is vital, especially by leveraging platforms like Instagram to engage with potential customers, it should not be the sole focus. A brick-and-mortar store provides customers with a tactile experience that many desire before committing to a rental. This physical interaction also helps build trust and rapport, which can be invaluable for a rental business.
Furthermore, do not limit your vision just to the metropolitan areas. The rental market has vast untapped potential in smaller towns and regions of the country. By exploring these avenues, you might discover significant demand. In essence, the rental business offers ample opportunities, but success lies in adopting a comprehensive and well-rounded strategy.
Interviewer: Shilpi Panjabi
Published on: 11/10/2023

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.