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Interview with Abdur Razzaque

Abdur Razzaque
Abdur Razzaque
Managing Director
Recycle-Raw Ltd
Recycle-Raw Ltd

Recycle Raw is the only compliance textile waste management company in Bangladesh
Bangladesh-based Recycle Raw is revolutionising the textile waste supply chain. The company focuses on handling pre-consumer textile waste, which it supplies to the local recycling industry and exports to India as well. It has plans underway to penetrate the European market. Its primary goals include refining the sorting process, enhancing work environments, and occupying a dominant position in the supply chain process. Managing Director Abdur Razzaque speaks to Fibre2Fashion about the challenges and future of textile recycling.

How has the textile recycling industry evolved over the past decade, and what trends do you foresee shaping its future?

Over the past decade, we have seen growth in textile recycling. In the early years, less than one per cent of textiles were recycled. I believe that number has now risen to around two per cent. I foresee a rapid expansion of this industry, as clothing brands have begun to understand the importance of recycling and tracing their by-products. Furthermore, recent legislation from the EU supports recycling, which will likely stimulate further growth in the sector.

What are the biggest challenges faced by the textile recycling industry today, and what strategies are being implemented to overcome them?

That’s a crucial question indeed. One of the significant barriers in reintegrating waste back into its original supply chain, thereby closing the loop, is the issue of blended compositions. It is essential to concentrate on separating blended compositions into single-fibre forms to optimise their usage. Numerous researchers are currently working to solve this problem, and we are optimistic about finding a scalable solution soon.

How does government policy and legislation impact the operations and growth of the textile recycling industry?

While every country acknowledges the importance of recycling, many face barriers when it comes to importing waste. Furthermore, no country is entirely self-sufficient in handling all its waste. Therefore, government policies and legislation undoubtedly play a substantial role in influencing the operational growth of the textile recycling industry.

What role can technology play in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of textile waste segregation processes?

Technology can be instrumental in enhancing the efficiency of our segregation processes. Currently, more than 80 per cent of our segregation work is done manually, resulting in an approximate 2 per cent margin of error. However, if we could integrate technology for fibre and chemical identification, we expect a significant increase in accuracy.

How does the textile recycling industry collaborate with other sectors, such as manufacturing and packaging, to promote a circular economy and minimise waste?

The textile industry, along with its backward linkages and packaging materials, is making significant strides toward sustainability. That’s truly incredible.

How does Recycle Raw contribute to reducing environmental waste and promoting sustainability, especially in Bangladesh?

We are not a direct recycler, but you can say we are passive recyclers who consume all kinds of textile waste. Recycle Raw’s intention is to work for zero waste, and we are on track to achieve the same. We bring textile/garment waste as our feedstock and use it to create premium quality feedstock for spinners, fibre producers, pulp producers, up-cyclers, recyclers and even sometimes for down-cyclers. We can proudly say that we have no waste, so no landfill, almost no carbon emission, and no use of water in our process. Additionally, Recycle Raw is the only compliance textile waste management company in Bangladesh.

Can you provide an overview of the recycling processes and technologies employed by Recycle Raw?

As mentioned earlier, Recycle Raw is a textile waste management company. So, we are not a direct recycler, but an indirect one. We collect waste from different factories and sources and segregate them according to requirement of the recyclers. For e.g., we clean the materials, remove unwanted materials like dust, poly, paper, sticker, other colour particles. We also match colour and composition and scale up homogenous materials. After proper packing, we send the material to respective recyclers for their use as the direct feedstock.

What types of materials does Recycle Raw specialise in, and how do you ensure proper handling and processing of these materials?

We specialise in segregation, homogenous materials scaling, baling and logistics service. In our process, we maintain proper quality, commitment and traceability.

Tell us about your collaboration with local communities and businesses to encourage recycling practices?

We are actively partnering with various organisations to enhance and formalise recycling practices, shifting away from their current ad hoc status. Our collaborative efforts involve working with institutions such as RR, BGMEA, GFA, GIZ, and UNIDO to facilitate this transformation.

Are there any specific initiatives or campaigns that you have undertaken to raise awareness about recycling and its benefits?

Recycle Raw is actively involved with the Singapore Fashion Council. We regularly participate in the Sustainable Fashion Forum in Bangladesh. Additionally, we have been speaking at events in Cambodia with the aim of formalising the textile waste sector in the country.

What measures do you have in place to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and standards?

The textile waste management industry in Bangladesh is currently informal and lacks compliance with regulations. However, Recycle Raw is striving to formalise this industry and ensure compliance, collaborating with various stakeholders. Recently, Recycle Raw has applied for Sedex accreditation to further this mission.

How do you measure and evaluate the environmental impact and overall sustainability performance of your company?

Our primary input is post-industrial textile waste and our operations result in zero waste discharge. We believe that this zero-waste approach is a comprehensive indicator of our sustainability performance.

What steps are being taken to expand your recycling capabilities?

To enhance our recycling capabilities, we are continuously conducting research and development in collaboration with numerous research institutes, organisations, and other recycling companies. We also contribute our technical insights to expedite progress within the sector.

How do you plan to adapt and stay ahead in an evolving recycling landscape, considering emerging technologies and changing consumer behaviour?

Recycle Raw is a forward-thinking and adaptive company, always ready to align with the latest market demands. We consistently analyse and implement more accurate and efficient methods for segregation to maintain superior quality. Keeping ourselves updated with current trends and technologies is paramount. Furthermore, consumer behaviour plays a crucial role in the consumption of recycled products. It is encouraging to see a growing interest among consumers for sustainable products.
Interviewer: Shilpi Panjabi
Published on: 14/06/2023

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.