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Interview with Uday Paresh Jogiwala

Uday Paresh Jogiwala
Uday Paresh Jogiwala
Sutex Engineering
Sutex Engineering

Ability to adapt and respond to evolving customer needs key to our success
In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of the textile machinery sector, innovation and reliability stand as pillars of success. Among the frontrunners in this competitive field, Sutex Engineering from Surat shines as a beacon of excellence. As a market leader in the weaving machinery segment, Sutex has established itself by consistently delivering cutting-edge technology and cost-effective solutions to the textile manufacturers.

Founded in 1979 and registered in 2019, Sutex Engineering ascended to prominence, becoming a premier supplier and trader in the textile machinery industry. The company specialises in a broad spectrum of products, including power looms, rapier looms, electronic jacquards, fabric batching machine and the innovative Jogiwala-Sutex line. These offerings have earned Sutex widespread acclaim for their superior quality and the unmatched services that accompany them.

Sutex’s rise to the top is fuelled by a clear vision: to revolutionise the textile machinery market in India. The company’s mission is centred on providing top notch products and customised solutions that not only meet but exceed the specific needs and expectations of the clients. This commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction has made Sutex synonymous with reliability and trustworthiness in the industry.

The cornerstone of Sutex’s success is its team of skilled professionals and its state-of-the-art facility. Each product is meticulously crafted to meet stringent quality standards, embodying the company’s unwavering dedication to excellence. Sutex’s offerings are not just technologically advanced but are also tailored to provide personalised solutions, reflecting the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in every endeavour.

In a recent discussion with Uday Paresh Jogiwala, Director of Sutex Engineering, Fibre2Fashion delved into the company’s vision, product offerings, and Uday’s plans for Sutex going forward even as he shared his aspirations, emphasising a passion for innovation and a relentless pursuit of excellence. 

He and his brother Adit Paresh Jogiwala envisions Sutex setting new benchmarks in the textile machinery sector and achieving significant milestones. Following are the excerpts from the interaction with Uday Paresh Jogiwala:

Sutex Engineering has a rich legacy of more than four decades. Can you take us through Sutex’s journey so far?

The company began operations in 1979 with its founding by my grandfather, Bhupendra Bhai Jogiwala. Initially, our focus was on shuttle looms, a staple in textile production at the time. As the industry evolved, so did Sutex Engineering and its product offerings. 
Under the visionary leadership of my father, Paresh Bhai Jogiwala, an engineer himself, we expanded our product line to meet the growing and changing demands of the textile market.
Throughout the years, Sutex Engineering has remained at the cutting edge of innovation within the textile machinery sector. Our ability to adapt to latest trends and respond to the evolving needs of our customers has been key to our sustained success. Today, we are proud to offer a comprehensive range of products that are highly regarded in the industry. These include power looms, rapier looms, electronic Jacquards, and our latest technological advancement, the batching machine.
Our journey from a single product focus to a diversified portfolio of high-quality textile machinery highlights our commitment to excellence and innovation. Sutex Engineering continues to build on its legacy by integrating advanced technologies and maintaining a customer-centric approach. We strive to provide our clients with reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solutions that go beyond just fulfilling their needs, to set new standards in the industry.

In today’s competitive market landscape, how has Sutex Engineering managed to distinguish itself from others?

We have been able to carve a unique niche thanks to the firm commitment to quality and reliability. One of the primary ways we stand out is by maintaining stringent control over the entire manufacturing process. 
Unlike many competitors who opt to outsource various components, we produce everything in-house. This approach allows us to enforce rigorous quality standards at every stage of production, ensuring that each machine meets our exacting specifications.
Our flagship products, particularly the Jacquard rapier looms, exemplify our dedication to precision engineering and long-term durability. These machines are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, using heavy-duty parts that contribute to their exceptional durability and low maintenance requirements. 
Our machines are specifically designed to withstand the demands of continuous operation, providing our customers with reliable performance and minimal downtime.
We place a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. We understand that providing high-quality machinery is only part of the equation; comprehensive aftersales service and support for optimal utilisation of our offerings are also equally crucial. To this end, we offer extensive training and technical assistance to ensure that our clients can operate and maintain their machines effectively even as our dedicated support team is always on hand to address any issues, providing prompt and professional service to keep our customers’ operations running smoothly.
By combining in-house manufacturing excellence with exceptional customer support, Sutex Engineering has successfully differentiated itself from other textile machine manufacturers in the market. 

What are the current hot-selling products in your lineup?

Currently, our Jacquard rapier looms are experiencing high demand, particularly in regions like Surat where there is a significant shift towards innovative weaving technologies. Recognising this trend, we have recently launched a new model of rapier loom specifically tailored to the unique needs of the Surat market. These looms are designed to provide superior performance, efficiency, and reliability, which are crucial for the high-paced and quality-driven textile industry in Surat. 
Our Jacquard rapier looms incorporate advanced features that make them ideal for producing intricate and high-quality fabrics, aligning perfectly with the market’s growing preference for sophisticated textile solutions. In addition to our rapier looms, our power looms continue to be popular across India. 
Known for their robust construction and consistent performance, our power looms are a staple for many textile manufacturers. They are designed to handle a variety of fabrics and are appreciated for their versatility and durability. We have a strong customer base that relies on these machines for their everyday textile production needs, and their positive feedback has been instrumental in maintaining the high demand for our power looms.
Recently, we introduced our batching machines, which have gained significant interest from the stakeholders, particularly in Surat. These machines are designed to streamline the fabric batching process, which is critical for maintaining efficiency in textile production. 
Our batching machines are developed to handle long rolls, ensuring they are accurately measured and prepared for subsequent processing stages. The positive reception of these machines is a testament to our commitment to addressing the specific needs of textile manufacturers and providing them with reliable and efficient solutions.

Can you share details of the batching machine?

Batching machines in general are designed to be a critical component for textile manufacturers who require long rolls of fabric for various applications. Our batching machines are engineered to offer superior quality and reliability, distinguishing them from other options available in the market. 
Developed entirely in-house, our batching machines cater specifically to the needs of technical textile producers, particularly in the Surat region.
The design and functionality of our batching machines are a result of extensive research and feedback from industry experts. We have incorporated features that enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the batching process, ensuring that textile manufacturers can produce long rolls of fabric with consistent quality. The machines are built with durable components to withstand the rigorous demands of continuous operation, providing long-term reliability and performance.
Customer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the performance and durability of our batching machines. Users have appreciated the ease of operation, precision, and the significant reduction in downtime, which are critical factors for maintaining productivity in textile manufacturing.

What are your plans in terms of product development and market expansion going forward?

Looking ahead, our primary focus is on further enhancing our product offerings by developing high-speed rapier and air-jet looms. These projects are already in the development stage, and we anticipate launching them within the next few years. 
High-speed looms are crucial for textile manufacturers aiming to increase production efficiency, speed and meet the growing demand for high-quality fabrics. Our new models will incorporate the latest technological advancements to ensure superior performance, reliability, and ease of use.
In terms of market expansion, we are targeting key regions such as Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh, in addition to strengthening our presence in Surat. These regions represent significant opportunities for growth due to their established textile industries and increasing demand for advanced textile machinery. 
We believe that maintaining our commitment to quality and innovation will be pivotal in differentiating ourselves in the competitive textile machinery market. By continuously investing in research and development, we strive to stay at the forefront of technological advancements and deliver products that set new standards. Our long-term strategy involves not only expanding our product portfolio but also enhancing our capabilities through strategic partnerships and collaborations. These efforts will enable us to offer more comprehensive solutions and better serve the evolving needs of our customers.

Considering how crucial price point is in today’s competitive landscape, how do you position Sutex in the market?

It is indeed a big challenge! However, we believe that our focus on quality and aftersales service sets us apart from our competitors. Unlike some overseas manufacturers who offer cheap prices, our forte is we offer locally based support, including readily available spare parts and technical assistance. 
This proximity allows us to provide faster and more effective service, which is a crucial advantage for our customers who need reliable support to maintain their operations.
Our strategy to align our pricing with market expectations without compromising on quality involves optimising our production processes and leveraging economies of scale. By continuously improving our manufacturing efficiency and sourcing high-quality materials at competitive prices, we aim to offer our products at prices that are attractive to our customers while maintaining the high standards.
Moreover, we emphasise the value proposition of our products and services. Our machines are built to last, reducing the total cost of ownership for our customers. The durability, low maintenance requirements, and superior performance of our machines provide long-term cost savings that often outweigh the initial price difference compared to lower-priced alternatives. 
Apart from our focus on quality, reliability, and customer support, our commitment to innovation and continuous improvement will also play a crucial role in staying ahead of the competition and delivering products that meet the evolving needs of our customers.

Do you offer customised solutions to meet specific client requirements?

Absolutely; we understand that every customer has their unique set of requirements, and we are committed to providing tailored solutions to meet those necessities. Whether it is adapting our existing products or developing entirely new solutions, our in-house R&D team is equipped to handle a wide range of customisation requests. 
Our customisation process involves close collaboration with our clients to understand their specific needs and challenges.
For instance, we can adjust loom specifications, modify machine components, and optimise production processes to ensure that our solutions align perfectly with our clients’ requirements. We also offer customised software solutions to enhance the functionality and performance of our machines, providing our customers with the flexibility they need to achieve their production goals.
Our approach to customisation extends beyond the initial sale. We continue to work closely with our clients throughout the lifecycle of our machines, providing ongoing support and adjustments as needed. 

Can you throw more light on your approach towards aftersales service?

Aftersales service is the cornerstone of our business philosophy. From the moment a customer purchases one of our machines, we provide comprehensive support throughout its lifecycle. This includes installation, training, and ongoing maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
Our aftersales service begins with a thorough installation process. We dispatch experienced technicians to set up the machines at our customers’ facilities, ensuring that everything is installed correctly and operates as intended. During the installation phase, we also provide training to the workforce, equipping them with the requisite knowledge and skills needed to operate and maintain the machines.
Once the machines are up and running, our dedicated service team remains available to address any issues promptly. We prioritise responsiveness and reliability in all our aftersales interactions, whether it is providing technical assistance over the phone or dispatching onsite technicians to resolve more complex problems. Our goal is to minimise downtime and ensure that our customers can maintain their production schedules without interruption.
In addition to reactive support, we offer proactive maintenance services to keep our machines in optimal condition. Regular maintenance checks and servicing help to identify and address potential issues before they become significant problems, extending the lifespan of our machines and ensuring consistent performance.
Our comprehensive aftersales service and support are designed to provide our customers with peace of mind, knowing that they have a dependable partner to assist them whenever needed. This commitment to customer satisfaction is a key aspect of our value proposition and a major differentiator in the competitive textile machinery market.

Apart from price point, any other challenge you face as a machine manufacturer in the market?

There are several challenges that we are navigating in the current market environment. The general election has just got over and the existing political climate has led to a slowdown in investment activity as people are in a wait and watch mode for the new government to take charge, get more clarity on policies and regulations, so as to plan investments accordingly.
Additionally, increasing competition and pricing pressures pose constant challenges for us. As more players enter the market, especially from countries with lower production costs, it becomes essential to differentiate ourselves through quality and innovation. 
We must continually improve our products and services to stay ahead of the competition and provide our customers with compelling reasons to choose our machines over the cheaper alternatives.
Despite these challenges, we remain focused on our core principles of quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction and believe by staying true to our commitment to excellence, we can overcome all the obstacles to achieve sustainable growth.

What are your plans and strategies for growth?

Currently our primary focus is on expanding our product portfolio and strengthen our presence in the key markets. We will continue to invest in research and development to bring new, innovative solutions to the market. 
Our upcoming projects include the development of high-speed rapier and air-jet looms, which are expected to set new benchmarks in terms of performance and efficiency.
In terms of expansion, as mentioned, we are targeting the key markets in south (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh), and north (Uttar Pradesh), in addition to our stronghold in Surat. These regions represent significant opportunities for growth due to their established textile industries and increasing demand for advanced textile machinery.
Interviewer: Deepankar Shyam
Published on: 22/06/2024

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.