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Dr. Klaus Schaefer & Matthias Schmitz
MD & Head of Engineering Recycling Technologies respectively, BB Engineering
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<div>A technological breakthrough could see people getting messages about the clothes that lie in their wardrobes unused. These discarded clothes will now be able to tweet and text the owners 'asking' to be worn. Garments will be tagged using...

Mark Brill
Senior Lecturer in Future Media | Birmingham City University (BCU)

Coating at a fibre level is a practice not usually seen in the high-performance fibres industry, despite this technology having immense advantages. European high-performance fibres supplier, EuroFibers BV developed and implemented this technology in ...

Marcel Alberts
Managing Director | Eurofibers

<div>For over two decades, <b>Goran Stojanović</b>, full professor at the University of Novi Sad in Serbia, has designed microfluidics platforms for biomedical and environmental applications. Now, Stojanović is harnessing his expertise and that of...

Dr Goran Stojanovic
Head of the Laboratory | University of Novi Sad

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