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Coating at a fibre level is a practice not usually seen in the high-performance fibres industry, despite this technology having immense advantages. European high-performance fibres supplier, EuroFibers BV developed and implemented this technology in ...

Marcel Alberts
Managing Director | Eurofibers

Bombay Textile Research Association (BTRA) is a leading name in textile research. <b>Ashok Desai</b>, Director, BTRA explains its work in the field of technical textile research and technical textile as a growing industry in India.

Ashok Desai
Director | Bombay Textile Research Association

Ventile is a registered trademark used to brand a special high-quality woven cotton fabric first developed by scientists at the Shirley Institute in Manchester in the United Kingdom. It was initially developed for the army and air force. <b>Daniel...

Daniel Odermatt
Senior Marketing and Product manager | Ventile

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