Humayun Kabir Salim
Dird Composite Textile Ltd
Company Details
Business Area:
Textile manufacturing, engineering & agriculture
Around 100 million
Export Capabilities:
Around 2.5 million pcs/month in knits and 500 k/month in woven
M&S, Next, Tesco, Sainsburry, Decathlon, S. Oliver, Tom Tailor, C&A, Stanly Stella, etc
The importance of textile industry in the economy of Bangladesh is very high. How do you look at the growth of the industry in the near future with increasing foreign investments in the sector?
Several apparel firms around the world are relocating their production units to Bangladesh not because of trade incentives and low production cost but also due to the availability of skilled or semi-skilled workers.
The direct foreign investments in textile as well as clothing sector will have multidimensional impacts, including new job opportunities, development of backward linkage industries, introduction of new technologies and skills from abroad, more scope of work for financial organizations, etc. By introducing technologies and skills from other countries, we can be more competitive to customers by increasing efficiency and productivity. In a nutshell, I can say that direct foreign investments in textiles and other allied sectors will benefit the growth in the industry.
But devastating Rana Plaza collapse and Tazreen fire accident along with political and other issues had heavily challenged our textile and garment sector. Certain domestic challenges faced by the Bangladesh textile industry include gas & power, political turmoil, labor organizations attitudes, etc.
Bangladesh Government has already taken initiatives to improve the textile industry is the country keeping in mind as most prioritized sector. Vigilance from Bangladesh government and effort from all enlightened management of the industries, all these issues are taking care with high priority.
Though initially customers were having some confusion and doubt about the safety and security of the work places after those incidents, now customers are regaining their trust over Bangladesh industries.
Despite of all grey pictures, all are working together to improve work place safety, better wages, workers organizations for better bargaining of the needs will make our industry safe and all the negative impacts will be capitalized to learn lesson for better textile and garment industry.
- Ilin Mathew
Published on: 13/05/2014
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