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Bebop Sensors' smart fabrics allows for a new level of interaction between people and the clothes they wear. Any jacket sleeve can be transformed into a device that interacts with their smartphone through taps, swipes, or gestures. Keith McMillen,...

Keith McMillen
Founder & CEO | Bebop Sensors

<b>Giorgio Mantovani</b>, MD of Corman, with a presence in both Milano and New York, discusses the vast world of fem-care products and baby-care products, market prospects, current and future trends.

Giorgio Mantovani
MD | Corman S.p.A

A fabric that can store data without any electronics or batteries has been developed by researchers at the University of Washington. Due to magnetic properties of a conductive thread, data is stored in the fabric, which acts as a hard disk. The...

Justin Chan & Shyam Gollakota
PhD student & director of Networks & Mobile Systems Lab respectively | University of Washington